Chapter 51: Official Member (Saigon)

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Archer was my mate. This man was mine. I smiled to myself as I finished wiping down his body. Shifting forms, I gathered him in my arms and held him close to make sure he didn't get cold during the night. He was mine. It was a feeling I could easily get addicted to.

I took in a deep breath of his scent and loved that hints of my own were now mixed with it. This was true happiness. Placing that mark on someone had made them my whole world. Archer had always been perfect to me, so it wasn't like I minded.


I opened the front door, holding tightly to Archer's hand. "Hey, we're back."

My grandma sped walked from the kitchen and went straight to my mate. She snatched the man and hugged him. "I can't believe it. I can't believe it. Welcome to the family."

Archer swallowed hard with an uneasy smile. "My dad said something, right?"

Our parents stood at the entrance to the living room. It seemed like everyone knew.

I put my arm around him. "Well, I guess you already know, but Archer and I are mates."

"Officially," stated my grandma. "No taking it back, right?"

Archer shook his head and rubbed my mark. "It's permanent."

We were quickly swarmed as the family moved in to congratulate us.

My uncle slapped me on the back. "Living up to the family name. I can't wait to see what kind of pups we get out of your two."

I rolled my eyes.

"More red probably." Darius shot a smirk at my dad.

"If you're trying to bond over red fur, don't even start," he muttered. "Saigon and I have markings, you're completely red."

"Who's to say you won't get a grandpup that's completely red?" said Darius. "Archer's fur has a reddish tone to it. It could happen."

"I think you should worry about your own grandchildren," said my dad. "I wouldn't wish a hot-headed child like you on my son."

The two moved to the side to continue the argument.

My grandma got a hold of me and pulled my face down to her level. "You're growing up so quick." She patted my cheek. "Take care of each other. Married life can be hard."

"We will."

Little by little, the gathering dispersed. I went with Archer to the living room. Raven was on the phone already, probably telling Daven the news, with Jagger seated beside him. We sat down, and I rested my head on Archer's shoulder. The wedding and pups were going to be the main topic for a while. It didn't matter, though. My family could tease me all they wanted. I got what I wanted and one day, when we were both ready, Archer and I would take the next step.

He put his arm around my shoulders. "Are you sore?"

I kissed his cheek. "Are you?"

His face flushed red. "That's not what I meant."

Grinning at him, I snuggled up close. "I know, but if you keep what happened yesterday a secret, I won't tell anyone your sore, too."

Archer nodded. "Deal."


I kicked open the door and dropped the bag right inside the house. "Thank god."

Archer squeezed past me and sighed. "Really?" He dragged the clothes bag to the laundry room.

"We survived." I went back to get another load. My grandma kept giving me more things to take to college. Something about Archer being my mate had made her go crazy about being sure he didn't have to use my 'dingy' things. I tossed the new bedding at the door.

Archer raised an eyebrow as he took the plastic bag into the house.

"So much, shit," I muttered.

I heard chuckling in the house. "Suck it up, pup."

Cursing under my breath, I carried more junk in and stacked it in the entryway. Archer was slumped into a chair at the table with a coke in his hand.

Grinning, I wandered over and kissed his cheek. "Did I convert you?"

"No. It's still gross." He handed it to me.

"Hmm... Well, I'm not going to try and convince you." Going to the refrigerator, I grabbed a water and returned. I sat across from him and tossed him the bottle.

"We're home," he breathed, twisting off the cap.

"It's been a long couple of weeks, but we survived."

Archer smiled to himself and looked around. "It feels different. I don't feel like a guest anymore."

I scoffed. "You were never a guest. I'd put your name on the lease if you'd let me."

He laughed. "You were always a clingy pup." Archer sat up and waved me closer.

Our lips met and he deepened it. His hand ran through my hair. Pulling back, Archer smiled as I took deep breaths.

"So, school tomorrow?"

I nodded. "Unfortunately."

He glanced at the window. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Sure." I stood. "I'll make popcorn. Oh, I have chocolate we can sprinkle over the top. It's really good."

I went to make it while Archer disappeared into the living room. After dumping the popcorn into a bowl, I put chocolate chips in and stirred everything together. The smell was divine.

I walked into the living room and held up the bowl. "Here it is, taste it. It's good, I promise."

Archer took a handful and smiled. "Mmm... It's different but good."

"Did you find a movie?" I sat down beside him

He shook his head and laid across my lap. "You know movies better than me."

I swallowed hard and ate another handful of popcorn. "Um... what are you feeling? Like an action or a funny one?"

"Something boring." He smiled at me.

My face flared red as I shifted in my seat. What did Archer expect would happen when he laid across my lap? My body was going to react. He sat up and kissed my neck.

"Um... so I'm guessing a movie is out."

He nodded. "Unless you'd prefer to watch one over...."

"No, I'm good."

Archer smiled and put his arms around my neck. "It's a good thing I closed the blinds."

My body was starting to heat up. "Did you ever want to watch a movie?"

He shrugged. "I thought about it, but you looked really cute making popcorn. Like a pup being given a treat," he laughed, leaning against me. "I like the quiet. Just sitting here with you is nice."

"My god, you can't do this to me." I rubbed my face.


I turned to him.

He kissed me. "I heard the second time is better than the first." Tugging over his shirt, he showed me his mark. "I don't have school tomorrow."

My eyes grew large. No, no, he didn't.

I smashed my lips to his as I struggled to get his jeans undone. Archer pulled my shirt up my back. My leg slipped off the couch, knocking the popcorn onto the floor. I was too excited that I finally was able to unbutton his pants to care. I slid them down his legs and tossed them to the side. I removed his shirt and grated my teeth over his mark.

Archer's breath hitch.

Licking the scar, I wrapped a hand around his waist and lifted his hips. He peered up at me, breathing heavily.

"So, what do you think?" I kissed my mark.

He shivered and grabbed the back of my head. "I might get addicted to this feeling."

Smiling to myself, I held him close. I would be okay with that.

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