Chapter 20: Disapprove (Saigon)

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The moment the ATV stopped, Archer jumped out and darted up the hill. I had calmed down enough that I didn't chase after him this time. He was going straight to the cave, so I felt like I could relax. He was safe and I had messed up in so many ways.

Darius sat in the front, tapping his finger on the steering wheel. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I lost my best friend." I scooted lower in my seat and picked the weeds out of my tail. "I made an ass of myself."

"Mood swings are signs of the rank. They do go away." He let out a deep breath. "So you like Archer?"


"For how long?"

"Long enough."

Darius laughed. "I'm guessing you had hoped no one would find out."

"He's not a sub."

"No, Archer is not." He shifted in his seat. "I know you would never do anything to hurt him. As a pack, we've moved passed the higher ranks taking whoever they want as a mate and the other person having no say."

"I wouldn't force him if that's what you're trying to ask."

Darius shrugged. "Rupert can be scary when he's mad and something happening to Archer would set him off in a way I hope neither of us have to experience."

"Archer will never agree to be my mate." I peered off at the forest. "But I won't let him be with Willow. Anyone but her. He deserves better."

"I'm with you on that." The alpha turned in his seat. "He needs my permission, and that's a mating pair I will never agree with."

We sat in silence for a moment. Faint howls sounded once in a while.

"Has Gage asked you about Ivy?"

My uncle smiled. "Yes."


"That's a pairing I do approve of." He stepped out of the ATV. "It's what Bloodhound needs. Two of their own, leading the pack into the future."

Nodding, I gripped the back of the seat. "Don't hurt Archer. I still feel it. This anger in my chest."

"Demoted to middle rank for three weeks, how does that sound?"

"I can handle that." I climbed out and started up the path. "You can do whatever you want to Willow."

My uncle chuckled. "Well, since I have your permission." He gripped the back of my neck. "We're going to give you a break for a week or so. The hormones and instincts mess with our heads. I was a complete asshole when it happened to me."

"Yeah, it was the one major fight my parents got into."

"I don't think anyone had a positive experience. I'm surprised it happened so soon. You're only eighteen, and it's usually the alpha first and that sets the beta off."

"Hmm... you might want to keep an eye on Jagger. Raven can't handle a moody dominant."

"When Jagger goes through it, Raven will be staying in his old room. I've already told Jagger, and he agreed."

I eyed him. "You're his father-in-law and alpha, he's not going to say no."

Darius grinned. "I know."

We walked into the cave.

"Get some sleep." He patted my back. "We'll talk more in the morning."

Nodding, I dragged my tired and defeated body to my room. I stood at the door and listened for noise coming from Archer's cave. It was silent. I didn't blame him. He probably went to his parent's room. Falling onto the bed, I groaned into my pillow. Why did that have to slip out with Archer standing right there? It had turned into such a mess and I had no idea how to fix it.



No, no, no! I wouldn't be forced into a relationship that made me the lower-ranking partner. I was a dominant. I would be the dominant. I had worked too hard for my rank, and no one was going to force me to submit.

I raced through the trees, hoping I'd find the group before they got back to the cave. I doubted any of them were in a hurry to get home. Arriving at the fence that marked the end of our territory, I waited by the spot where we usually crossed. Saigon was in love with me. He was going to be the next beta and was currently out of his mind. I was scared to go back. His cave was right next to mine, too. What if he came over and forced me? My heart was beating so hard. The 'normal' Saigon wouldn't do that, but he wasn't acting 'normal' at the moment.

Sitting down, I tried to stay calm. Darius had heard the confession. They could be discussing it right now. All the alpha had to do was approve of the mating and that was it. Saigon could do as he wanted.

Letting out a shaking breath, I ran my hands down my muzzle. The alpha mentioned demoting me. If I moved from a dominant to a middle rank, Saigon would have an even better case to force me into a mating. Tonight had been the biggest mistake of my life. Everything was falling apart.

I'd have to face the alpha tomorrow and worse than that my father would find out I had been breaking pack rules. What if I lost my cave? I'd have to move back in with them.

Cursing myself, I banged my head back against the fence post. Running sounded behind me as a pack of wolves raced to the fence. They shifted to their upright form.

"Willow," I called.

She seemed surprised. "Archer? What happened? Did Saigon find you?"

I nodded. "We need to talk."

The color drained from her face. "The alpha knows? Saigon told him, didn't he?"

I lowered my gaze. "Darius met us at the garage."

The others looked terrified. Willow hopped over the fence. She was fuming, but I could also sense fear. We would all be punished for going to Base Acid.

I grabbed her hand. "We need to talk."

"What about?"

"Alone," I whispered, glancing at the others who were climbing over the fence. "Please."

She nodded. "Go on ahead. I'd stay out of sight, so the alpha can have some time to calm down."

They seemed unsure but filed into the trees. They were in even less of a hurry to get back now.

"What's going on?" asked Willow.

"Saigon's the next beta."

"And?" She seemed confused.

"He said he loved me."

She stood very still.

"I'm worried he'll force me into a mating. I mean Daven had an arranged mating. All Saigon has to say is he wants me and the alpha might force me to agree to it." Breathing out through my nose, I rubbed my forehead. "I don't know what to do. I can't be his mate. I'd be the submissive partner. Who knows, I might get my rank taken away and be considered a sub. Storm doesn't do the hunting party, and she's a dominant. She just runs things around the cave. I don't want that to happen to me. I'd go insane."

"Archer." She grabbed my hand. "Calm down, alright?" She smiled. "We'll figure it out."

My ears splayed to the side. "I feel so helpless."

She pressed into my chest and hugged me. "That's not the Archer I know."

"Well, 'the Archer you know' has gone through the shittest night of his life. I'm surprised Saigon didn't crash coming home, he was so mad."

Lifting my chin, Willow kissed me. "Well, if everyone is already mad at us, why not make them a little madder. We're going to be punished anyways."

"What do you mean?"

She snuggled into my fur as her hand wandered further down. "I know a way to make it so Saigon can't claim you."

I pulled back with my muzzle wide-open. "You mean?"

Willow simply smiled. "I love you, and you love me." She tilted her head to the side. "So, claim me before Saigon can claim you."  

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