Chapter 9: A Night Out (Archer)

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"Willow, are you sure about this?" My heart was beating so fast.

"It'll be fine." She stepped out from behind a rock with clothes on and started to do her hair.

"This isn't allowed." I clutched the bag in my arms. I was the only one still in werewolf form.

"We're not in Haper's Creek," she stated.

Another girl opened a container of makeup.

"I thought we were only going for a run near the town."

She raised a brow. "Really, Archer? You thought we came all this way to look at it?"

Clenching my jaw, I looked away. "I guess not."

"Look"—she cocked her hip to the side—"I get Rupert is anti-human and is controlling as hell, but your father doesn't have to find out. So why don't you man-up for a change and get ready?" She held up the small mirror. "You can go home. No one is forcing you to be here."

I dug my claws into the bag. Leaving wasn't an option. Marching behind the boulder, I shifted and put on the clothes and shoes that were inside the backpack. I scrunched up my toes and took a moment to compose myself. I was not afraid of humans. Humans were a weaker species, so if anything happened, I could handle it. I was a dominant werewolf of Northern Ridge. One night among humans wouldn't kill me.

"Archer, are you ready?"

I cleared my throat. "Yeah."

My stomach was turning as I went to join the others. The girls talked back and forth as I walked with the other guys. Tonight would be fine. No one would find out. The humans wouldn't kill me and as long as my father didn't catch us, he wouldn't kill me, either. We left the trees and walked along a road. An old shed sat up ahead surrounded by weeds. Willow lifted a scrap piece of a steel beam off the ground. Under it was an old tin can pushed into the dirt. She popped off the top and took out a key.

"How'd you know that was there?" I asked.

Willow shrugged. "My dad let it slip that this shed belongs to the pack. It took forever to find these, though." She pulled out a keychain. "But I did."

"Does Darius know we're doing this?"

Rolling her eyes, she unlocked the shed. "No. Why? Are you going to tell him?"

The group turned to me.

"Hell, no. I just wanted to know if I wasn't supposed to say anything."

"Well, the answer is no." She pushed open the door and tossed the keys to one of the boys. "Go open the back."

Everyone filed inside. I stood still listening to the shed doors being pushed apart.

"You can go home, Archer."

I shook my head. "No, no, I'm fine." With a deep breath, I marched inside.



For the third night in a row, I had done nothing more than sit on top of a mountain. There had to be a better way to secure the border. Rogues weren't stupid enough to enter our territory in the first place. I wandered down the hall to my room and catch a glimpse of someone slipping into Archer's cave. The fur on the back of my neck stood on end as I bared my teeth. I crept closer and ripped back the hid.

Archer jumped and nearly fell over. "My god, Saigon." He clasped his chest. "What are you doing?"

I stared at him, confused by why he was awake. "I thought I saw someone enter your room, but it looks like it was you." My eyes landed on the bag in his hand. "What's that for?"

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