Chapter 12: Cricket (Saigon)

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I jogged to the cave to see Jagger waiting for the different teams to report in.

"How'd it go?"

I shrugged. "As expected, it is the easiest route. Not to mention, the full moon made it hard for anything to hide."

"Keep it up and I'll give you the north side. You won't be coming back so chipper." Jagger gripped my shoulder. "Go get some sleep."

"On my way," I said with a yawn.

"Oh, you're off for a couple of days, so it might be time for you to visit your parents."

My shoulders slumped forward. "My dad called?"

Jagger shrugged. "Maybe, Darius wants you to take some supplies to Bloodhound."

"Yeah, sure," I breathed. "My dad has been bugging him. I'm not stupid."

I trudged down the hall. A few days away might be nice. I'd come back refreshed and maybe Archer would start missing me. I could ask my father about some of the fun places around the cave that I could take him.

Straying a bit past my cave, I peeked into Archer's room. Willow better have not tried to get him to go with them again. The brown werewolf was curled up on top of a pile of blankets in the middle of the floor. The moonlight show through a skylight on him. I slipped inside. Why wasn't he on the bed? Archer was never one to sleep on the floor. It brought the clean freak out.

The werewolf let out a deep sigh and sank into the mound. He looked so beautiful. His fur sparkled in the light. I backed out of the room before I was caught. After sneaking one last peek, I went to my room to get some much-needed sleep.


After a long drive, that included stopping at my grandparent's house for lunch, I parked the car in the Bloodhound garage. Stepping out, I took a deep breath. It was weird that this place felt more like home than Northern Ridge. I started carrying the packages to one of the ATVs parked outside. With the last of the boxes tied down in the back, I went to the car and started to undress. I tossed my clothes and shoes inside before shifting. Shutting the door, I grabbed the keys for the ATV and pressed the button to close the garage. My ear flicked to the side, and I spotted my father standing by the ATV.

"What are you doing here?"

Titus smiled. "I thought you might need some help, but it looks like I got here too late."

"There wasn't much."

He nodded and climbed into the passenger side. "How were the Perris?"

With a shrug, I slid behind the wheel. "Grandma wanted me to stay the night."

"I'm sure she did." My father laughed.

I turned on the vehicle. "So, what's the real reason you came to meet me?"

Titus leaned back in his seat. "Darius let me on a rumor going on around the pack."

"That liking dick is hereditary?"

Chuckling, my father squeezed the back of my neck. "Not exactly, but yeah."

"Don't worry about it. I'm not too worried about anyone giving me shit for being bi." I backed up the vehicle and started down the trail.


"The more the merry, right?"

Titus tried not to smile. "Don't say that around your dad."

"I know about your whoring days." I shot him a smirk. "I overheard Darius giving you crap about it years ago."

"I was not a whore." He held up a finger. "Did I have some fun, yes. But it was your grandpa's fault. I wanted a human mate and he kept saying no."

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