Chapter 63: My Way Home (Archer)

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I usually felt amazing after a full moon, but my body was so stiff and sore that it hadn't even recovered fully. My head felt clearer, though. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up slightly.

"Woah!" A woman held out her arm. "Shift first, pup. Someone might see you."

Looking around, I came to realize I was moving and in the back of some strange truck. I jolted upright, hitting my head on the ceiling.

"Where am I?! Who are you?" I reached for the door.

"Stop, stop!" She tried to calm me down as the man driving focused on not crashing.

"We're taking you home."

"Home?" I moved away from her hand. "How do you know where my home is?"

"You told us," said the man, shaking his head. "Moon drunk and can't remember a damn thing."

Settling down, I recalled some of my memories. "You were in the shop?"

The woman nodded. "We found you. I'm Sunny and this is Ryder." She pointed to the man. "We're taking you to Harper's Creek."

I shook my head. "No, no, Northern Ridge. Take me there."

"That's pretty much the same thing," muttered Ryder. "At least, we know who your pack is. When we get to WIR, they can call you alpha."

Checking the window, I tried to see if I recognized anything.

"Please shift. There are clothes on the floor," said Sunny. "Someone might see you."

Nodding, I put the blanket over my lap before shifting and locating the clothes. I awkwardly put them on while trying not to expose myself. Slumping into my seat, I took a deep breath. I was on my way home. How did this happen? Smiling to myself, I let out a deep breath.

I spotted a sign and perked up. Harper's Creek was written across it. The truck stopped at a traffic light.

"We're really in Harper's Creek," I whispered.

"Yeah, it's where the nearest WIR office is located," said Ryder.

"No, no, turn here." I tapped my finger on the window. "Turn here. I know this place. Turn."

"Hell, no," muttered Ryder. "We're taking you back. If Northern Ridge finds out we didn't return one of their runaways, they'd never work with us again."

"I'm not a runaway. I'm trying to go home," I replied. "Turn here. My mate's grandparents live down that road."

The woman eyed me. "This is a human town?"

"He's part human," I stated. "Just turn the damn car. They will call Darius. Get in that lane so you can turn."

Ryder didn't listen and kept going straight. I had come too far and had been betrayed by one too many werewolves. After walking for days and freezing my ass off, I wasn't going to let anyone get in my way of finally making it back to my mate.

I quickly unlocked the door and opened it. Ryder cursed and slammed on the breaks. I didn't care how fast we were going or that there was a car in the next lane; I jumped out and raced across the ice-covered road. If they weren't going to take me, I'd go myself.

Horns honked at me as I hurried to the sidewalk and ran to the intersection. I knew how to get there. I'd go to the Perris' house and have them called Darius. No, I'd called Saigon first. He might still be at college, but he'd come the moment he found out I was here, he'd speed all the way home.

My chest felt lighter as I ran down the familiar street. I did it. I didn't know how I managed to pull this off, but somehow I had found my way home.



"What do you mean?" I adjusted the phone in my hand. "Werewolves? Hunters and then werewolves took Archer? Why, why would they do that?"

"Trevor isn't saying much," said Darius. "I'm getting the feeling he's withholding some of the details."

"Archer is my mate," I stated. "He's mine. I have a right to know every last detail about these assholes." My hands were shaking. "What pack?"

"Saigon, you can't go and attack them by yourself."

"You wouldn't help me? I will go myself. I don't care what you say."

My uncle sighed. "If we find out who took him, the pack would go with you. But we don't know who did it yet. Give me more time."

"Why? Trevor said there was news that Archer was taken South. If we have a location, I can go and check it out. I'll look for Archer. I can find him. We have a connection and—"

"Saigon," breathed Darius. "Give me more time before you do anything."

"A day or two, but not anymore. I'll go and look for himself."

"Stay put, and I'll talk to Trevor. I get him to start talking."

Hanging up, I let out a sigh and peered off into the nearby field. The moment I had any kind of lead on where Archer might be, I was out of here. I wasn't going to wait for them to figure it out. It was my mate's life on the line.

The front door opened behind me.

"What did Darius have to say?" asked my grandma.

I shrugged. "Same old thing."

"Hmm... It's kind of cold out. You should come in and I'll make some hot cocoa."

"I'm going to sit out here for a bit. The cold air is helping cool me off."

She nodded. "I'll get you a blanket." The door closed.

Standing, I shuffled through the light layer of snow that just fallen on the lawn. I stopped at the road and peered up at the sky. I could see my breath, but my body was already numb for a different reason. A dominant's purpose in life was to protect. Maybe Gage could be the beta of Northern Ridge because I honestly didn't think I had it in me to take up the rank.


The voice was light. I glanced at the house but my grandma wasn't there. A rush filled my body as a warm feeling spread from my chest to my fingers and toes.


I turned and was immediately tackled. Toppling into the snow, I was taken back by the men laying on top of me.


He lifted his head and smiled. "I found you."

"Archer." Sitting up, I kissed him hard and hugged him. He was here? He was in my arms. I sat back and cupped his face. "Oh my god, you're real. You're here. You're here." I kissed him again and again. "How are you here?"

"I'm tougher than I look," Archer said in my ear as he rested his head on my shoulder. "And a lot of luck, a shit ton of luck."

"I'll take it." I inhaled his scent and simply held him in my arms. My heart and head finally felt at ease. The stress and anxiety started to subside. I had my mate back. Archer was here and I was never going to let him leave me again.

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