Chapter 32: Curse (Archer)

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~This chapter has an unedited version with a sexually explicit scene, which can be read on Wattpad in The Nitty Gritty which can be found on my profile~

"So?" Liam sipped at his cup of coffee. "You have the werewolf curse, too?"

I swallowed hard. "Yep." I sat down at the kitchen island. They had a really nice house, but then again I hadn't been inside many civil's homes.

"It's like heaven, right?"

I tried not to smile. "Best night sleep of the month."

"Exactly." Liam put his cup down. "I got shit for it growing up, but they don't understand how amazing it feels."

I glanced at the other two men in the room. They were keeping themselves busy making eggs.

"I've kept it a secret. Only my alpha knows because it's kind of hard to go on patrol during a full moon."

Liam laughed. "Walking is hard during a full moon."

I smiled to myself. "I would probably crash into a tree if I tried."

"It's the best stress relief," Liam sighed. "Better than sex, even."

Saigon coughed on whatever he was drinking.

"If you ever want to come over and use the porch, feel free to," said the sub.

Scratching my arm, I shrugged. "I most likely will. Saigon's apartment has too many trees and buildings around it."

"One drawback to living in a big city." Liam finished off his glass. "Do you want some?"

"No." I shook my head. "I can smell it, and I don't think I'll like it."

The sub laughed. "It's strong. The caffeine doesn't do much, but I like the taste. Humans put all this cream and sugar in it, but I like it bitter." He turned to Cyrus and Saigon. "Do you guys want some?"

Cyrus nodded. "Sure."

"No," replied Saigon. "Whatever you do to it makes it taste nasty."

"That's what I'm talking about," said Liam, pointing at him. "He mixes in all this shit, so it tastes like a cup of pure sugar."

"And that's how I like it," replied Saigon as he stacked up some toasted bread. He wandered over and stood behind me. "Are you feeling better?" He massaged my shoulders.

"Great, actually."

Saigon grinned at me and kissed my cheek.

Cyrus awed. I felt my body tightened and watched Liam smack him.

"Knock it off." He handed a cup to his mate. "They don't need you bugging them."

"Hmm..." Cyrus kissed the sub.

Looking down, I bit my bottom lip. They had a really nice relationship.

"Alright, the food is done." Saigon carried the toast and pan of eggs over to the table. "I have to get to class soon, so let's eat."

I moved to one of the chairs and dished my plate. It wasn't too bad here. As long as I stayed indoors, I think I would be alright living here. Until Saigon was done with school, of course, and then, we'd be moving right back to the cave.


I heard the front door open and finished folding the towel I was holding. Going to the entryway, I smiled at Saigon as he dropped his book bag on the floor. He kicked off his shoes. "How was your day? Are you feeling better?"

Shaking my head, I gave him a kiss. "The full moon is an instant recharge. I feel amazing after, so stop worrying."

He nodded, looking a bit like a pup. Let out a deep breath, I stood there and scanned the man in front of me. Saigon seemed unsure of what was going on and hadn't moved since I kissed him. Taking a step closer, I did it again. I cupped his cheek and took the kiss deeper. Saigon responded but didn't seem to know what to do with his hands. Parting my lips, I slipped my tongue into his mouth. He lightly touched my arm. I moved closer and ran into something hard. I gave him a light peck before stepping back.

"Wow," he breathed.

I laughed. "Welcome home."

Saigon pressed his fingers to his lips.

"Well, I've confirmed you're gay, at least," I teased.

"Shit." Saigon's face turned red. "Sorry. Long day. I'm going to go and change." He hurried upstairs.

I licked my lips. That wasn't that bad. I wandered to the kitchen, thinking it over. It felt the same as kissing a girl. I liked it actually. Being pent up sexually was something I was used to since Willow never wanted to do anything with me. Saigon was probably jerking off to the thought of me right now, or perhaps, he went for the cold shower technique. He was so happy when I kissed him. Saigon would turn into one giant pup. He did have a nice body and warm eyes. With a sigh, I propped up my head. It was clear he loved me. He wasn't too bad himself.

"Shit," I breathed, resting my forehead on the counter. I was hard.

"Alright," sang Saigon as he came downstairs. "What do you want for dinner?"

I pinched my legs together. "Anything is fine," I replied quickly.

"Let's see what we have." He opened the fridge.

Maybe I could sneak upstairs why he was busy. I was worried about moving, though. The thin shorts I had on weren't going to hide my problem.

"We could have chicken."

"White meat?" I replied.

"Yep, if done right, it can taste just as good as the red." He took out the package and stopped. "What's wrong? Your face is all red."

"Nothing." I forced a smile. "I'm great."

"It's last night, right? It took more out of you than you thought."

"I guess. I'm fine, though."

"Are you sure?" He moved around the counter, causing me to tense up. Saigon felt my face. "You're warm?"

"We're werewolves. We run hot."

Saigon arched a brow. "My body temperature is the same as yours." He tried to turn me to him.

"I'm fine, really." I batted his hands away.

He stopped and I saw his eyes grow large. "Oh."

Flopping over the counter, I pulled at my hair. "This is so damn awkward." I smelt something and glared at him. "Didn't you just barely—"

"No, I was upstairs for five minutes. I just started thinking of things that remind me of certain family members, and that's a huge turnoff. It didn't take much."

Clenching my jaw, I shook my head. Here we were, two grown-ass men unable to control our hormones. Maybe the full moon had messed me up.

"So..." Saigon stared at the wall. "What do we do?"

"This is fucking awkward already, so you go to one bathroom and I'll go to the other."

"We..." Saigon sighed. "Yeah."

My eyes ran over him. This would be a good time to see whether I could stay hard if we touched each other. I'd also admit it had been a while since someone had touched me. What the hell. Standing, I took his hand and brought him over to the table. I sat him down on it before going to close the blinds.


I held up my hand. "We're both sexually frustrated and if this relationship is going to work, I want to test it out."

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