Chapter 36: Cake (Saigon)

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"Everything is so sweet in this house," groaned my uncle. "My teeth hurt."

My grandma smacked his side. "For such a large man, you sure whine like a child. Eat your cake and be quiet about it."

Darius rolled his eyes but did as he was told. Archer was staring at the two options. One of the cakes was vanilla and the other chocolate. The vanilla one was rather basic, while the chocolate one had two layers with ganache between them. It was much better, in my opinion, and I was going to enjoy every bite.

One-by-one people started to migrate into the living room. Archer watched them leave, holding his plate against his chest.

I finished my slice and went to get another. "The chocolate one is better." I used the server to lift up a piece. "Let me see your plate."

Archer offered it to me. I set the cake onto it before dishing myself one.

He swallowed hard. "It doesn't bother you that they make fun of you for liking this?"

"Nope." I took a big bite.

With a sigh, he tried it and his face lit up.

"Told you it was good. I'd crave my grandma's cake when I was at Bloodhound. She'd send me sweets all the time because, as you know, most werewolves don't like it."

"My dad would give it to me," said Archer. "My father would look disgusted whenever my dad and I would share a box of chocolates."

"My parents are the same." I wiped some frosting off the corner of my mouth. "So what are you thinking? They didn't traumatize you too bad, right?"

"They were nice." He cleared his throat. "Your grandma..."

"She's one of a kind," I laughed. "I warned you, though. She never let Xavier get away with anything and Darius is the same. She has all these alphas won over."

He smiled slightly. "I like her. She's refreshing."

I finished my cake and went to the fridge. Getting out the milk, I took off the lid.

"Saigon Perri," said a stern voice. "Get a cup now."

With a sheepish smile, I turned to my grandma. "I was just about to."

She went into the living room as I took two glasses out of the cupboard.

Archer was struggling not to laugh. "Saigon Perri," he chuckled. "She has you pretty whipped as well."

Shaking my head, I poured us a glass. "Well, she had to deal with my teenage years. I'm positive she's part werewolf and is fooling us all. She has the instincts of one. I could never get away with anything."

"That would be interesting." He grinned at me. "But, I'd believe it."

I leaned down to his level and Archer closed the gap. Our lips touched.

"Thank you for coming," I said.

"Sorry for being a pain in the ass to get here." He kissed me again. "It's not as bad as I thought."

I put my arm around his shoulders. "I'm more worried about your parents. Rupert still scares the shit out of me."

"I'm sure you'll do just fine." Lifting my chin, he kissed me and took it deeper.

I heard a creak in the entryway. My eyes shot to the small woman standing there, clutching her chest with a dreamy look on her face. Archer immediately turned away.

He cleared his throat. "The bags, they're still in the truck. We better bring them in." He hurried out of the kitchen and dipped past my grandmother.

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