Chapter 7: Patrol (Saigon)

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It was quiet. But when on border patrol, that was probably a good thing. Jagger stood nearby, leaning against a tree, as we looked out over the valley. He was on high alert for any signaling howls. Maybe my father's post on the other side of the valley was more exciting. I should have gone with him.

Picking at the grass, I let out a sigh. "So, this is patrol."

"If the alpha saw you sitting there, he'd beat your ass." Jagger gave me a smirk. "It's boring but it has to be done. Rogues are smart enough to keep away from our land. We rarely have one come close to the boundaries."

"Joy." I fell back and put my arms behind my head. "Do you have to sit up here all night?"

Jagger shrugged. "There are two shifts. So until the next one gets here, yes."

"Is it weird to know this will be yours one day." I motioned to the view.

"It won't be mine."

"You'll be the one ruling it. Alpha." I winked.

He rolled his eyes. "And I'll be stuck with you as my beta."

"You don't know that. It could be someone else."

"Doubt it." He took a deep breath as his ear twitched.

I didn't hear anything. I sat up to look slightly more serious about what we were doing. "So how's mated life?"

Jagger shifted as he tried not to smile. "Fine."

"God," I laughed, "my cousin has you worked over."

He glared at me. "Raven is my mate. It's natural to want to provide and protect him. You wouldn't understand."

"I can tell he's borderline obsessed with you."

"Don't make it weird."

I grinned. "You can tell by the way he runs to you. Oh Jagger, how was the hunt? Are you hungry? Let me give you a massage. How can I serve you, my strong, powerful mate?" I reached for his leg.

"Knock it off!" He kicked at me. "He's never said any of that in his life."

"He says it through his eyes." I pointed at mine and then Jagger's.

Shaking his head, the black werewolf stared straight forward. "It was a lot quieter around here when you were gone."

"Thanks. I missed you, too." With a groan, I stood and dusted off the dirt from my fur. "You're good for him, Raven." I glanced at the other dominant. "I know you've heard it plenty, but you are. Most dominants looked at my cousin as an object. You never have."

Jagger raised his chin and remained silent. Scratching my arm, I scanned the trees. I was ready for the next shift to come. It had been around two hours since we arrived but I was bored. I'd rather be sleeping. I didn't have to hunt tomorrow, which was one perk to being up all night.

"You're leaving for college around the same time as us?"

I nodded.

"A human ran school?"

"Yep. Darius thinks I'm crazy. How can you find a mate among humans?" I said in a deep voice. "You better not put me through what your parents did to Xavier." I chuckled. "He threatened to drag my ass back home and send me to Midfield University if I even think of taking a human mate without clearing it with him first."

"Was your dad in the room when he said that."

I nodded again. "Or it would have been no human mates period."

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