Chapter 4: Competition (Saigon)

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I stepped into the cave and was attacked by a white blur.

"Saigon, you're here," said Raven. "Where have you been?"

"We went on a family outing." I waved my arm toward my parents.

He shifted his weight from side to side. "Guess what?"

"I know what." I laughed, pointing at the new scar. "You and Jagger are mates. Congratulations."

Raven clasped the mark. "It's still kind of surreal."

"I've never seen you happier, though."

A blush formed under his fur. "Yeah, um... I'm happy you're home. My dad said you'll be staying here until school starts."

I nodded. "That's the plan. I have to take a trip to Bloodhound for a week or so." My eyes flicked over to my dad.

Raven smiled. "He has a bit of Aunt Karen in him."

"A lot." I gave him a side hug. "I'm happy for you. It couldn't have turned out better."

The sub nodded. "That's what everyone has been saying. That my bloodline and Jagger's will become one and the alpha line can continue that way. I think everyone is being a bit more supportive of Jagger now."

"They weren't before?"

Raven shrugged. "Jagger isn't Northern Ridge born so the pack was being hard on him because he'll most likely be the next alpha."

"He might have not been born but he was raised a Northern Ridge werewolf. That's enough for me."

My cousin grinned to himself. "I hope you're his beta. I think you two would do a great job leading the pack."

I shrugged. "Only time will tell."

"Raven," called my dad. "Raven, get over here and give me a hug." He held out his arms. "I just heard the news. My mom is going to be so excited when I tell her." Aden squeezed the white werewolf tightly.

They walked off to were Jagger was standing with Darius. I took it as my chance to leave. I wanted to get some sleep before I had to start getting up early for the hunting party or patrol. I was trying to convince myself that it would be similar to early morning soccer practice. We weren't trying to kill something during soccer practice, though.

Arriving at my room, I flopped into the pit of furs and took a deep breath. This was a scent I missed. My grandmother didn't understand it but I'd loved the smell. It reminded me of home and the pack. I had a lot of long nights and tiring days ahead of me but I was going to enjoy every bit of it before heading back to the human world.


"Slacking already?"

I lifted my head while rubbing my eyes. "What? What time is it?" I search the room.

Archer was standing in the doorway. "Your parents sent me to get you. They're in the alpha's cave. I think Darius wants to talk to you."

I groaned. I didn't want to talk to him. "Thanks. I'll go see what he wants." I ran a hand down my muzzle.

"You're never going to make it if a picnic wears you out."

I threw a pillow at him. "Shut up. I was enjoying a nap in the woods. It's been a while."

Archer laughed. "Sure. Hey, once you're done, come by the hot pools. I'm meeting up with some of the guys and I'm sure they'll want to see you again."

"Hmm... I don't know I might be too tired."

"God, you're so dramatic." Archer rolled his eyes. "Once Darius is finished with you, take your lazy ass to the hot pools. Got it?" He left and headed down the hall.

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