Chapter 5: Chocolate (Archer)

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I shouldn't be surprised by Willow's reaction. Saigon was in the running to be the next beta. But I had never wanted him to disappear so badly then that moment. I watched Willow with her friends. All they could talk about was Saigon. The black and red beast of a man that had every unmated female in this pack smitten. It annoyed me. I dangled my leg in the water and listened to the others.

What was so good about Saigon? He grew up among humans. He might be strong but strength didn't directly translate into skill. There was a reason civils were scared of traditional werewolves. We knew how to fight and they didn't. I shifted my weight and peered across the water. The bastard even ditched me after I told him I wanted to hang out.

I jumped into the water and pushed off the side. "I'm going to turn in for the night. See you tomorrow."

A few people waved and grumbled something as I swam across the pool. I wished I could be slightly higher in rank. Being the fastest didn't mean anything. All the girls wanted the top dominants. I was on the lower end. Stopping on the other side, I rested my chin on the edge and let out a huff. My father had been in the running to be the next beta. I hadn't inherited that capability. I brushed my hand through my light brown fur. I loved my dad. He was the kindest person I knew and I felt guilty about wishing he was higher ranked.

"Damn it," I whispered. I needed to stop thinking about it. I'd show Willow that I was someone she should want as a mate.

Lifting myself out, I shook off and headed for my room. The cave next door was dark. Saigon must have already gone to bed. I was tempted to go chew him out just to let out some of my own frustration. I tiptoed to his doorway and peeked through the curtains. A large lump was sprawled out in the middle of the bed. He was in human form. I didn't think it was warm enough to require being furless. Living with humans had made him weird, but then again, humans were slightly terrifying creatures.

I retreated before I got caught and went to my room to find a towel. Shifting form, I dried off and pulled on some shorts as I ran the towel through my hair. I turned on a hand crank lantern and sat it by my bed. My father climbed up the ranks through hard work. Most of it was genetics, but I still heard from the older dominants how he was a workhorse. I had the speed. If I worked on the strength part, I might be able to surpass a few people. I chewed on my fingernails as I thought it over.

A light shined down the hall before my dad poked his head inside.


"Hey. What's that?" I motioned to the box.

"Aden gave it to me." He hurried to the bed and sat beside me. "I thought you might want some." He took off the lid to show row after row of chocolates.

"Wow, where'd he get it?"

"From his mother." He read the lid that had a list of what was inside each one.

I picked one up and popped it into my mouth. "These are good." I swallowed. "Don't tell father."

"It's been our little secret for years." He leaned against my side. "Why are werewolves so against chocolate?"

I shrugged. "I heard it's because it can kill dogs."

My dad shot up straight. "Archer, don't say that."

"I didn't call anyone a dog. I just mean wolves can't eat it and we're just as closely related to wolves as we are humans."

"Still. The women usually like it."

"The women aren't trying to save face." I grabbed another one. "Most of them will eat it, but they don't care for it. The ones with a little more human in them tend to like it more."

"How do you know all this?" he laughed.

I shrugged. "Some of us have to get creative when it comes to impressing people. That's all."

His ears splayed to the side. "I think you're perfect how you are."

"You're my dad. Let's face it, I can't do anything wrong in your eyes and can't do anything right from Father's perspective."

"That's not true. He's very proud of you. When you became one of the main chasers, he loved to tell people about how fast you can run."

"I guess."

My dad put the box to the side and grabbed my hands. "Your father says this to me all the time." Taking a deep breath, he sat up straight. "Be more confident. You're doing far better than you give yourself credit for."

I smiled to myself. "Do I get the self-doubt from you?"

The white werewolf bowed his head. "It didn't come from Rupert." His eyes met mine. "That's where you got your stubbornness."

I laughed and reached for another chocolate. "Thanks for bringing this."

"They're too sweet to eat all by myself." He took out a small container from under my bed and started putting some of them inside. "For when you have a bad day."

"As you can see, my supply was running low."

He snapped the lid into place. "You don't need to be the biggest or strongest to be happy, Archer. I'm none of those things and I wouldn't change a thing about my life."

"It's probably easier once you have a mate." I lowered my head. "Right now, everyone starting to pair off and I don't want to be the one who's all alone."

"Not possible. I'm the doting parent, remember?" He gave me a grin. "All it takes is one. So there's no need to rush. Wait and find that one person who loves you. Not what you can do or your rank, they just love you."

I nodded.

"Besides, your father still doesn't like the idea of you being mated. He thinks you're too young."

I rolled my eyes. "He wants me to grow up and be a man but at the same time, he won't allow it." Falling backward, I put an arm over my eyes. "I'm not a sub. He needs to stop being so overprotective. He worse than Darius with Raven sometimes."

My dad patted my leg. "It's in his nature. As he tells me quite often, there are a few select people in his life that he will kill for and you are one of them. Along with your grandmother and me."

I scoffed. "That's not a group I want to be apart of."

"You don't get a choice." He put the lid back on the box. "Come by tomorrow when you're done with the hunting party."

"I will."

"Goodnight." He gave my hand a squeeze before leaving the room.

Grabbing the plastic bin on the bed, I undid the latches and tossed the lid onto the floor. I was still irritated about Willow and Saigon and it might take me eating the whole container before I felt better about it. 

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