Chapter 17: Bad Decision (Archer)

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I slipped through the cave to where the others usually met with my bag in hand. Willow was leaning against the wall with the usual group standing around her.

"We can't risk it," said one of them. "The alpha is really cracking down on us."

"So that's it," said Willow. "We're done? We submit and spend the rest of our lives surviving a man that doesn't even like us? Hell sounds like a better option than being a slave to a self-appointed alpha."

I cleared my throat. "What's going on?"

Willow hurried to me and hugged my arm. "Archer, I thought you wouldn't come."

"My father doesn't get to decide my life for me. I'm an adult. If I want to do something, I will."

The others seemed unsure.

"Rupert is high ranking," said one. "He'll punish all of us if he finds you here."

My fur bristled. "Am I not welcome anymore?" I laughed hesitantly.

They didn't respond.

Willow gave my hand a squeeze. "Don't listen to them. It doesn't matter what they think because they're ready to ditch us and settle for being obedient middle ranks for the rest of their lives. Darius does the thinking for them now."

A couple of them frowned and scowled at Willow.

"I thought about it and I want to go tonight." I clutched the strap on my shoulder. "If we leave now, we should get to Base Acid in time for opening."

Willow squealed and kissed my cheek. "You're the best."

A couple of the girls looked terrified while the others were nodding that they wanted to go as well.

"Alright then, whoever wants to go, let's get out of here." I glanced back at the cave.

"If you're not coming, you better keep your mouth shut," said Willow. She lifted her muzzle in the air and looped arms with me. "I'll race you there."

I laughed. "You don't want to do that."

"Why?" she said with a smirk. "I'm sure you'll let me win."



"Willow," snapped Rupert as we sat around the eating chamber. "What has gotten into that boy?"

"Hormones," laughed Darius. "Be glad he waited this long before liking someone."

"Not funny." Rupert pointed at my uncle. "This is my son, and he's playing around with that—that girl." He snapped a rib in half.

Petter patted his mate's arm and whispered something to him.

Rupert chewed on the bone as he grumbled to himself.

"It's a fling, Rupert," said Darius. "Archer is excited that someone likes him. He's a rational, pup. He's not going to do anything too hasty. He knows I have to give permission for all matings."

"You don't know that," the scarred werewolf growled. "This is the one mistake that I can't fix without killing someone."

Peter sat up on his knees. "Let's go back to the cave." He moved behind his mate. "You're so tense." He started to massage the dominant's shoulders. "I'll talk to Archer tomorrow. I'll tell him to take it slow."

"Tell him to break up with the b—"

Peter covered his mate's muzzle. "Let's not say something you will regret later." He smiled

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