Chapter 55: Open the Door (Archer)

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"Try to eat something, okay?"

I gave Saigon's hand a squeeze. "I'm fine."

He hugged me as we stood in the entryway. "I can stay."

Grabbing his face, I kissed him. "Go to school. I'm going to rest and try and make a dent in all the food you made me."

He frowned. "Just tell me if something is wrong."

"I will." I reached for the doorknob. "Go to class. I'll be here."

"Fine," Saigon muttered as he picked up his bag and shuffled out onto the step. "I'm coming home for lunch."

"Sounds good. Bye." I watched him trudged off like a scowled pup toward campus.

With a deep breath, I stepped inside and closed the door. I did feel better. Not great, but not nearly as bad as a couple of days ago. Maybe there was some super werewolf virus out there that actually affected adults. Going to the living room, I flopped onto the couch and draped an arm over my eyes.

I listened to the clock on the wall tick as I enjoyed the peace and quiet. Saigon was being a bit too attentive. He was my mate, so it did make sense why he was worried.

A knock sounded on the door. Rolling my eyes, I sat up and glanced at the clock. That man was ridiculous. He was supposed to be in class. I was fine and his grades wouldn't be if he kept skipping. I wasn't going to die and was far from being bedridden. Marching to the door, I heard the handle jiggle. Jolting back, I stared at it.

Maybe, he forgot his key. I reached for it as a pit formed in my chest. The nauseous feeling filled my stomach. Backing away, I sat on the stairs.

"Archer?" The person outside knocked again. "Archer, please open up."

Gripping my knees, I gasped for air as my body hair rose up on the end. I wanted to open the door. I was fighting with myself not to move. I would have done it already if the sickness didn't keep me sitting. Why did I have to hear her voice again?

"Archer, I know you're home. Please," said Willow. "Please, open the door."

"Go away," I begged, pulling at my hair. "Just go."

"Move," said a male voice.

I perked up. Did Saigon come back?

The handle jiggled, but not in the way a key would unlock it. I scooted up the steps. My heart started to pound. Were they breaking in?

I needed to call Saigon. I darted upstairs and heard the lock shift. Throwing the bedroom door closed, I leaned against it. They were in the house! They broke into the house.

After locking the door, I clambered across the bed to the nightstand. My hands were shaking as I tried to find his number. Why did he put so many in the contacts? I could find his stupid name.

I pressed on his number as someone kicked the door. Fur started to appear along my arms. I'd have to fight them. I was a dominant of Northern Ridge, I could defend myself.

It was hit again as Saigon's missed-call message started to play. I called again. Why wasn't he picking up? He didn't even want to go in the first place. I dropped the phone as the door broke and it was flung open. My instinct took over and I shifted forms, ripping my clothes. I growled at the two men, taking a more defensive position. Willow stood in the hall behind him.

The men looked me over but didn't move.

"Go ahead." One nodded to Willow.

She stepped forward. I dug my claws into the wall and let out a low growl.

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