Chapter 22: Relationship Sorrows (Saigon)

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I opened the door to my grandparent's house and a white ball of fluffy came speeding around the corner. Cricket jumped into my arm.

"Woah!" I stepped further inside and made sure no car had passed by. "What are you doing here?"

My parents entered and closed the door.

Cricket grinned. "Ivy and Gage went on vacation," he sighed. "It's only for adults."

"Did they now?" I tried not to smile.

"Yeah, and they said I can't go because it'll be mushy stuff," the pup exclaimed. "So Auntie Karen has to watch me. I'm too little to be left all alone."

"Is that what Ivy said."

He nodded. "And"—he grabbed my face—"when they come back, Gage will be my brother."

"In-law," I added.

Cricket shrugged. "Yeah, they're going to be mates," he said very seriously.

"That'll be nice. You'll have a big brother."

"I guess." He scratched his arm. "Having a mate makes you weird. Ivy is always kissing him." Cricket scrunched up his nose. "Yuck."

Laughing, I set him down. "Yeah, it messes up your head pretty bad. Stay away from the windows or change forms."

Cricket groaned. "I know, I know." He wandered off to the living room where I could hear my father talking to my grandpa.

Gage and Ivy were finally taking that last step. I let out a deep breath. I would've been happier for them if I hadn't lost the person I wanted to mate with one day. It was a done deal. Archer couldn't undo the mating and I doubt he would ever want to if given a choice.

My grandmother stood by the entryway to the kitchen. "Take your shoes off, sweetheart. I made some treats. I told Cricket, he had to wait until you got here."

I slid off my shoes and scooted them against the wall. The scent of brownies was thick in the house. Going to the bar, I sat down on one of the stools.

"Aden filled me in." She brought over the pan. "How are you feeling?"

"An emotional wreck, but I'll live."

My grandma started to cut them into slices. "It was harsh, what Archer did. But now you know, and with time, you can consider looking for someone else. Congrats on getting to be beta. I know Titus is very proud of you as are your grandpa and I."

"Thanks." I clasped my hands on the counter. "I half-expected you to tell me to immediately start dating," I said through a pained laugh.

"Not until that wound heals." She shook the butter knife at me. "Take your time. Cricket! You can have a brownie now."

The fluff ball darted into the room and took the stool beside me. He eyed the brown morsels in the pan. My grandma gave him one and put another on a small plate for me.

I took it from her. "Did Ivy ask you to watch him?"

"No, I volunteered," my grandma smiled. "A little pup, Cricket's size, would only get lost in the pack-life commotion. He needs someone to look out for him."

"I'm sure someone in the pack could've done it?" I said with a smirk. "They are pretty partial to the pup." I messed up his head fur.

She eyed me. "Am I not good enough to watch werewolf pups anymore? I did a great job with Aden and you. I'm simply making sure Cricket turns out the same."

The boy grinned as he stuffed his muzzle.

"It's not like anyone else in this family is going to give me a grandchild anytime soon." She lifted her chin. "Hmm..."

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