Chapter 23: Calculated (Saigon)

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~2 years later~

I could barely keep my eyes open. Human history had to be the most boring class ever, and it didn't help that I stayed up until four last night finishing a mid-term paper. If the professor really wanted to liven up the classroom, she'd include some werewolf history. There were plenty of epic battles in there.

Rubbing my eyes, I sat up straight. If I slipped any deeper into my chair, I'd fall asleep. I yawned and fought to keep my eyelids from gluing themselves shut. I had to make it through this hour before I could take a well-deserved nap.

My phone vibrated on my lap, and I quickly read the text. Cursing under my breath, I remember I promised to help Liam with his calculus homework today. The poor sub's mate was too smart for his own good. Cyrus's way of explaining things only got him blank stares. Sometimes, he even left me confused and I knew how to solve the problem.

I quickly typed a reply that I'd meet them at the cafe. The professor started to read a passage from the textbook. I couldn't stop my head from dropping forward. After setting an alarm on my phone for the end of class, I gave up and let my eyes close.


My phone went off, and I looked around to see the majority of the students getting up to leave while wiping my face. I did a quick stretch and put my laptop away. Grabbing my bag, I headed for the door while making sure not to look at the professor. She clearly did not appreciate that I slept through her class. It wasn't like I failing, so she couldn't be too upset with me.

Outside it was crowded with streams of students going to their next class. I wandered across campus to a cafe just off the grounds. The majority of the tables were filled with college students. I really wished caffeine work on werewolves. I could sure use some. By the way humans talked, it sounded amazing.

I spotted Cyrus and Liam at a table outside with a couple of drinks. I hurried over and sat down across from them.

"You look like shit," laughed Cyrus.

"Thanks," I muttered. I felt like it too.

Liam jabbed his elbow at his mate. "He had that paper, remember?"

"I know," laughed Cyrus. "That's why you look like shit."

"Hmm..." I took out my laptop. "What your excuse?"

Liam laughed and grinned at his mate.

Cyrus eyed the sub. "Ha. Ha."

"You deserved that." The sub opened his math book. "Now help me," he groaned.

I read down the page. Derivatives, no wonder the sub was lost. "Alright, let's start from the beginning." I flipped to the front of the chapter.

Liam pulled at this hair. "I should have gone to school with Raven and Jesse."

"What about me?" Cyrus frowned. "You'd rather be with them instead of your own mate?"

"Depends on what generals are required." Liam flopped over. "I didn't think I was dumb until this stupid class."

"Calculus is hard. You're not the only one who struggles," I replied.

"Cyrus doesn't struggle at anything." He lifted his head.

The man shrugged. "I have a good memory. It helps."

We spend the next two hours going over Liam's homework. Cyrus mostly made sure we had plenty of drinks and kept us well fed with donuts. The sub nearly had a few mental breakdowns, but by the end, he was figuring out problems by himself.

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