Chapter 56: Nothing (Archer)

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My eyes slowly opened. Something heavy hung around my neck. I tried to lift myself up but my arms were still asleep. My clothes were gone. I rolled onto my side and used the wall to help me sit up. My sense slowly started to clear as I knelt with my forehead resting against the cement wall.

"Get rid of the boy."

A chill ran up my spine at the man's voice. Turning slowly, I saw the scarred man sitting on a crate. Thick bars sat between him and me. I felt my neck to find a chin attached.

He continued to listen to the person on the other end of his phone call. "Shoot the girl. She's served her purpose, and we don't need them running off and talking." His expression remained blank. "I don't care. Just don't dump them where a pack will find it. They'll use it as some excuse to come after us."

Multiple bangs sounded above my head. I flinched.

"Fucking hell, outside," he yelled into the phone, skating his head at the ceiling. "You're going to clean up that goddamn mess."

A scream filled my senses as gunshots rang out. I gagged and fell forward. I vomited on the wall and struggled to not throw up again. My chest ached as I heaved for air. I shifted to werewolf form and clawed at the ground. I was dying. Had he shot me? I couldn't breathe as I searched for a wound. There wasn't one, but my chest felt like a hole had been ripped through it. I was going to pass out again. My vision was fading in and out.

I managed to regain my breath, digging my claws into my arms. The initial pain was fading, but a deep sorrow took its place. Falling onto my back, I started to sob while my body shook violently. My hand landed on my shoulder. I dug under my fur and stabbed my claws into Saigon's mark. I had a mate. I had a mate, but I lost my first one.

The tears poured out as my connection to Willow was severed. Having Saigon's mark was easing the effect, but I still felt like I was dying. My heart ached. My whole body shook from the pain of losing her.

"It's insane how bad that kills you guys." The man leaned over his knees, biting at his fingernails. "I might as well have shot you." He laughed. "I took care of the bitch. I guess playing human wasn't as fun as she thought, but you're back to having one mate, the better one, in my opinion."

I watched him as my body trembled.

He gave me a smirk. "The beta of Northern Ridge, you caught yourself a powerful werewolf. My men were scared shitless to go anywhere near that house with him around. What did Saigon see in a coward like you? You nearly shit yourself at the sight of a gun."

I scooted to the corner and turned away from him.

"I didn't believe it when the girl said you were afraid of humans and terrified of guns," he said, amused.

I wiped my muzzle. I never should've told Willow about what happened when I was young.

The man chuckled. "It'll make you easier to control."

My ear flicked to the side when I heard a click. The sight of the pistol made every muscle seize.

The human examined it. "You do know even with this, it's kind of hard to kill you." He rubbed his scar. "I've shot my fair share of werewolves and I have never dropped one on the first shot. No matter what, it always takes more than one to either make them bleed out or a perfectly placed bullet right between the eyes. It's hard to do," he laughed. "It's not like you sit still. Just now, it took a few to kill the bitch and her boyfriend."

"What do you want?" I whispered.

"Nothing." He smiled.

I breathed through my nose. "Saigon will give you—"

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