Chapter 54: Sickness (Saigon)

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Chapter 54: Sickness


I placed the bowl of chicken alfredo on the table and took my seat. Archer simply stared at it. Watching him, I dished my plate. He looked pale.

"It's good. We've had it before, remember?"

He nodded and grabbed a piece of bread. I started to eat while he picked at the crust.

"Did something happen?"

Archer shook his head.

"Did someone come by?"

"No." He took a deep breath and scooped some of the noodles onto his plate.

"We could go running in the morning. It's the weekend, so I can sleep in after."

He didn't respond.

"You haven't been going lately. Did anything happen? If you want me to go with you, just say. I thought you were okay going by yourself, but I'll get my lazy ass out of bed from now on," I said with a chuckle.

His breathing started to sound labored and what little color he had in his face vanished. Archer knocked over his chair as he ran for the stairs. I sat there, unsure of what to do. Standing, I followed him and heard the sound of throwing up coming from the bathroom.

The door was mostly closed, so I remained in the hall. I wouldn't want someone watching me when I was sick. I rubbed my arm. I hadn't been sick for years. Pups would catch weird bugs every now and again, but all werewolves grew out the moment their healing enzymes came in strong.


"I'm fine," he gasped. "I'm fine."

"Do you want some water?"

"I just need a minute. I'll be down in a minute."

"Okay. Yell if you need something." I slowly went downstairs to the kitchen.

Getting a water bottle out of the fridge, I put it on the counter. This couldn't be caused by the full moon. That usually made Archer feel better, not worse. I sat down at the table and pushed my food around. My appetite was gone. With a sigh, I set to work cleaning up dinner. I doubt Archer wanted any after throwing up.

Maybe I should call Darius. I put my plate in the sink. Archer would kill me if I told anyone. I might be able to talk to Cyrus and Liam about it and get Archer an appointment in Midfield. They'd tell Darius. They weren't going to do anything without alpha approval.

After the food was put away, I took a washcloth and wiped down the counters. Archer still hadn't come down even after I finished and loaded the dishwasher. Grabbing the water bottle, I went upstairs and knocked on the door.

"I'm fine."

"I brought you water." I touched the handle. "Can I come in?"

Archer didn't respond.

Pushing open the door, I shuffled inside. My poor mate was slumped over by the toilet. It made my chest hurt to see him looking so ill. Twisting off the cap, I handed him the bottle.

He took a small sip before putting it to the side.

"Do you feel better now?"

Archer shrugged. "I haven't thrown up in like ten years." He forced a laugh. 'That was the most unpleasant experience."

I sat on the edge of the tub. "Do you want to move to the bedroom? You could lay down."

"I feel dizzy when I stand up."

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