Chapter 43: Rings (Saigon)

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Archer simply stared at the rings in the case without an ounce of emotion. "Why do we need this?"

"It's a symbol of marriage," I said quietly so the jewelers wouldn't hear.

"I have your mark." He shrugged. "I'm good with that and it won't get in the way."

I put an arm around his shoulders. "We're going to need one for the wedding. Look around and see if you like anything." My pocket started to vibrate.

He sucked in his cheeks. "I don't like rings."

"Learn to." Taking it out, I saw grandma written across the screen. "Hey." I walked away from him.

"Hello, Saigon. I called because I need to know what day you're coming for Christmas? You ran out so fast that you forgot to tell me."

"It depends on my finals"—I rubbed the back of my neck—"but as soon as they're done, I'll be on my way."

"Great to hear. I already invited Rupert and Peter again. They are going to be a part of this family. No in-law nonsense."

"Good to know." I swallowed hard. "Speaking of them, I have something to tell you..."

Things got very quiet on the other end of the line.

"I marked Archer."

"Accident or consent?" She sounded like she was holding her breath.

"My god, he told me to do it."

She cheered in delight. "Oh my goodness, oh my, Quint! Quint! I can't believe it. We must have made a good impression. Oh, Quint, Quint, Saigon marked Archer. They're engaged. Engaged, right?" she asked me.

"Yeah, we're waiting for... for other stuff." I glanced at Archer.

He was at least sort of looking at the different options.

"That's great," said my grandpa. "Congratulations."


"He says thanks," said my grandma. "I can't believe it. You're engaged."

I sighed. "Are you crying?"

"I'm so happy for you. Archer is a wonderful young man and I know you two will be happy together." She cleared her throat. "So, I can start then?"

I peeked over my shoulder at Archer, who was scowling at a jewelry case. "I guess," I replied, adjusting my phone.

My grandma squealed with delight. "Thank the lord, it's finally happening. I'm going to have your dad come this weekend and bring Peter. He's the sweetest man in the world. It thought my Aden was just darling, and then I met Peter. I need to call my sister. She has all the connections. She had a few more kids than me," she chuckled. "And plenty more grandchildren."

"Grandma," I muttered. "You're making this weird."

"I'm excited, sweetheart. I only have you and Aden, so I couldn't use all of my wedding ideas the first time. Do you know how horrendous that would have looked if I did?"

"No idea," I breathed.

Archer wandered off, looking clearly done with our shopping trip.

"I haven't told anyone else yet, so could you hold off calling my parents until later?"

"Oh good things you told me, I was going to call your dad right after I hung up," she laughed.

"Well, I guess we'll talk about it more in-depth during Christmas. I have to make sure Archer doesn't make a run for the car. We're looking at rings."

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