Chapter 18: Base Acid (Saigon)

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I parked one of the pack cars along the street and climbed out. With a deep breath, I fixed my jacket and peered across the road. The building was practically vibrating from the loud music. People covered the lawn, and I was sure the inside was crowded as well. I marched toward the gate.

A man stopped me. "Ticket?"

I rolled my eyes. "Where can I buy one?"

He motioned to a small building. "They might be sold out."

Cursing under my breath, I went to the building. A girl was sitting inside on her phone.

She glanced at me. "Saigon?"

I was startled by my name. "Yeah?"

"Hey, remember me? We had math together. I was the poor senior stuck with a bunch of sophomores," she laughed.

"Yeah." I forced a smile. "How are you?"

"Here," she shrugged, motioning around the booth. "Summer job and all. Do you need a ticket?"

I nodded. "I'm meeting a friend and forgot to buy one ahead of time."

She sighed. "You should've gotten here earlier. I sold the last one about thirty minutes ago."

I rubbed my face. "Damn. That's sucks." I flexed my hands and scanned the area. I'd jump the fucking fence if I had to.

She reached into a container. "Good for you, I save a few." She handed it to me. "Thanks for not letting me fail."

Taking it, I smiled to myself. "Being nice does have its perks."

"See you around." She sat down and unlocked her phone.

I jogged over to the guard and show him my ticket. He traded me for a bracelet. Not bothering to put it on, I shoved it in my pocket and headed for the main building. The noise coming from inside sounded horrible. The singing was a little more than screeching. I hadn't been missing anything by being banned from coming here. I maneuvered my way inside and peered over the bouncing heads. I didn't see Archer anywhere. Walking around the walls, I arrived at the stage. Where the hell was he? I hope they hadn't decided to go somewhere else.

I started another round and spotted a blond head of hair being whipped wildly from side to side. Snatching Willow's arm, I jerked her to the side.

"Hands off, asshole!" Her eyes met mine and I saw fear. "Saigon?"

"Where is he?" I growled.

"How did you—"

I pulled her closer. "Where is Archer?"


I shoved her away from me and left. Outside, I still didn't see him. I searched the grounds, but he wasn't there. Standing in a clearing, I cursed the bastard for making me come all this way and falling for that horrible girl. She dragged him here and then ditched him? I glanced at the forest out back and moved toward the fence. Archer had a fear of humans. He'd never admit it, and it was another reason I was surprised he went along with Willow. Pushing on the gate, I made a small gap. It wasn't enough for me to fit through. Making sure no one watching, I pushed harder and bowed the bottom of it out. I slipped through and hurried into the trees.

Archer's scent caught my attention. I spotted something red sitting by a tree.


His head popped up, and he turned to face me. "Saigon?" Leaping to his feet, he dusted off his jeans and red jacket. He seemed to be debating on whether or not to run. "Hi, um... what are you doing here?"

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