Chapter 68: Back Home (Archer)

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We entered the cave and were swarmed by the pack. It was a bit startling, but it made me feel good. Everyone had treated me differently after mating Willow. I felt like I was a member of the pack again. Saigon squeezed my hand.

"Archer, Saigon!" A white werewolf ran to the front to hug us. "I was so glad to hear you're home safe." Raven stepped back. "Everything is okay, right? My dad said something about a doctor?"

Saigon flinched.

I eyed my mate. "Someone went a little overboard. I'm fine."

"That's great. We were so worried, but now you're here." The sub smiled.

Jagger walked up behind his mate. "My beta has returned." He hugged Saigon. "And my best runner." He gave me a side hug. "Welcome home. You had us all worried."

"Sorry." I shrugged. "It wasn't on purpose."

"The alpha is planning a pack feast night," said Jagger.

I swallowed hard. "That's not needed."

"Too late," laughed Jagger. "They invited Bloodhound to come."

"Yeah," I breathed. "More people to make me feel awkward."

Jagger just laughed as he put his arm around Raven.

"We're going to put our stuff away." Snatching my hand, Saigon led me toward his old room. "I believe this is still mine."

I nodded. "Last time I checked. Even though you haven't used it for a while."

Saigon lifted the hide over the doorway and waved me inside. I was confused by how it could be so clean.

"Huh?" Saigon dragged in the bags. "I expected more dust."

Noticing a paper propped up on the desk, I went over and read it. "Raven." I handed it to Saigon.

"Welcome home, love Raven and Jagger," he read. "Do you think Jagger helped?"

"Probably. Have you met your cousin?" I started to undress. "Raven could sit in the corner and point, and Jagger would do it." I kicked my jeans to the side and shifted.

Saigon pressed up against me. Black, furry arms wrapped around my chest. "How about you? Any chores you want me to do?"

I smiled. "Lucky for you, Raven beat you to it." I nuzzled him. "There's something you can do for me tonight."


"Scar maintenance."

He chuckled in my ear. "I can handle that."

"Good, because I never want to have a conversation about scars and mating with my father again. He lectured me this morning about how the doctor might have missed something and I needed to be more careful about my health." I rubbed my face. "It was mortifying."

"Rupert had a similar one with me," Saigon muttered. "That man still terrifies me."

"Oh, god," I groaned. "He's so stubborn."

Grinning, Saigon rocked from side to side. "We're home."

I took a deep breath. "It feels nice."

He kissed my head. "Even better, since I'm home with my mate."

Smiling, I closed my eyes. It was good to be home.

"Archer! Saigon! Hurry up, Cyrus."

I turned to the door and saw a pair of golden legs under the hides. "In here," I called.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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