Chapter 59: The Train (Archer)

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The scarred man threw a bundle of chains at the bars. "Put that on."

I let out a low growl. I wasn't some dog that was going to be led around on a lease.

He took out a handgun and pointed it at me. "How many will it take until you're too weak to fight back? It would be an interesting experiment."

Reaching through the bars, I kept my eyes on him as I picked up the chains. Two smaller cuffs were connected to a larger one. I snapped the smaller bands around my wrists.

"Put it around your neck." He motioned to the remaining one.

I let out a deep breath and eyed him.

He lifted his gun. "Two to the leg, another to that fancy scar of yours. I wonder if Saigon will feel it." The human chuckled. "All sorts of experiments we could try."

"Fuck you," I muttered, snapping the collar around my neck. My hands were forced to remain right below my chin.

"Pull on it."

I did so with an annoyed expression. "Happy?"

"You wouldn't be the first mutt to try something." He looked to the other humans. "Open the door. Archer is going to crawl out on his knees and wait until I tell him to stand, or he's going to get shot in the leg again. Got it?"

I bared my fangs at him.

The door slowly opened and the humans moved back. I shuffled out on my knees and felt my heart rate pick up. I was out of the cage but the bastard had shot me once already. Even werewolves had limitations.

The scarred man moved in front of me and aimed the gun at my head. "Don't move."

He nodded to the humans who were waiting with long chains. They moved closer and attached them to the loops on the collar.

"Alright, Archer, get up but do it slowly." He forced a smile.

I did so with a low rumble in my chest.

"Do you need to reestablish your fear of humans?" The human arched a brow. "I think we got too comfortable with each other the last few days."

I stopped growling and stared at the exit.

"Let's go."

We left the room and started up these steps. The chain pulled me forward, but the idiots behind me didn't know how to to keep up, so I was being jerked in either direction. We walked through a warehouse and out a set of garage doors.

I was outside.

My ears twitch in different directions. If I had any chance to escape, now was the time.

I weighed out the different humans and targeted the weakest looking one. I spotted my exit point between two train cars. Trees could be seen on the other side. If I got on the far side of the train, I'd have a good chance. Waiting until the scarred man looked away, I jerked my body to the side and felt the chain rip out of the weakest man's hands. The gun went off before I even left the circle of humans.

Dropping to the ground, I screamed in frustration.

"Such stupid creatures," muttered the scarred human. "Get up." He retook aim.

I kicked my foot at him. "You shot me in the damn leg! How do you expect me to do that? You fucking bastard." Sitting up, I looked at my calf. I couldn't even move my hands enough to check the wound.

"Get up." He pointed the barrel at my good leg.

"I can't!" I stared at the pool of blood.


"It's fucking healing, you bastard. You put a hole in my leg and expect me to get up right after."

"Such a whiny baby." He rubbed his face. "How have werewolves lasted this long? All they know how to do is moan and groan about stupid shit." The man watched me. "Better yet?"

"No," I snapped.

"We have a time frame."

I slowly pulled my legs under me and carefully stood. I hobbled forward with blood still dripping down my leg. The bullet had traveled clear through at least.

"I warned you. Next time listen."

Limping into a train cart, I slumped down in the corner. My leg was blaring with pain as blood dripped onto the wood floor. The chains were attached to a loop sticking out of the wall. The humans hurried out, leaving their leader standing in the doorway.

"Well, this is farewell, pup." He holstered his gun. "Hopefully, we never met again, or I might start aiming higher." He flashed me a grin. Jogging down the ramp, he helped the others push and the door slid close.

Laying my head against the wall, I waited for the pain to fade. A god awful smell entered the cart as the breeze passed through the cracks. I scrunched up my face and heard voices outside. I carefully sat up on one knee and looked through a small hole.

"Holy shit, holy shit." I dropped back down and covered my mouth.

"I told you to get rid of this shit days again!" yelled the scarred man. "Now we got dog carcasses stinking up the whole fucking area. Get rid of them! Now!"

"Where would you like me to put them?" replied the other human, motioning to the bodies. "The local packs are on high alert because of the mutt." He pointed at the train.

"Get rid of them. We're leaving tonight so go dump them somewhere."

My hands were shaking as I looked through the hole again. The scarred man was walking away as another human placed a tarp over Willow's body. Another body with light brown fur was lying on top of her.

I sunk to the ground and took deep breaths. My chest hurt, but it wasn't as bad this time. I touched my mating bite and closed my eyes. It didn't matter what that human said; I was going to be lucky to get out of this alive.

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