Chapter 34: Human Holidays (Archer)

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I felt physically sick. I might even throw up. This was taking it too far. Saigon was expecting way too much from me.

He dropped his duffle back by the front door as I watched from the kitchen. "Are you packed?"

I glanced at the laundry room. "The dryer isn't done yet."

"Hmm..." He walked into the small room while checking his phone. "Ten minutes left, so I say we head out in forty minutes. We should get there around six or seven." Saigon leaned against the door frame. "Will you be ready by then?"

I shrugged. "I could always stay."

Groaning, Saigon rubbed his face. "We talked about this."

"It's your holiday," I exclaimed. "You're more human than me. My dad hasn't even been around humans since he mated my father. I think it'll be better if I stay here and watch the house."

"I'm barely more human than you." Saigon lifted an eyebrow. "Besides, your parents are going to be there. My grandma invited them."

"So?" I scratched my arm. "I'm an adult. I don't need to do everything they're doing."

"My grandmother knows about us," he stated. "You don't mess with my grandma, period. Ask my uncle." He went to the refrigerator and took out a coke. "She'll show up at our door if we aren't there by tonight. If I show up alone, she drives here and gets you herself. Don't put anything past her."

"I don't want to go," I whined. "There's going to be a full moon. I don't want to turn to mush in front of your whole goddamn family."

Saigon didn't appear convinced and eyed me. "They built onto the house after Raven and Jagger got engaged. We'll have our own room. Besides, your parents know about your condition, as does Darius and Jagger. If something happens, I'm sure they'd be willing to cover for you."

"I don't want to. I'd rather stay with Liam." I slumped onto a stool and laid my head on the counter. "I don't like humans."

"My grandparents don't really count as human." He scratched his neck, not appearing sympathetic to my situation at all. "They've known about werewolves longer than we've been alive. My grandpa worked for WIR before he retired."

"It's awkward."

He sipped from his drink. "Yeah, family get-togethers are usually awkward. It won't be that bad. You know everyone who's going to be there. My extended family isn't coming."

I let out a deep breath and kept my face hidden. I didn't want him to see how annoyed I was about the whole situation. Why did I have to go to some weird holiday about a turkey?

Saigon leaned onto the counter. "My grandma wants to meet you."

"She has already," I muttered. "At the cave, multiple times."

"Those don't count." He flicked my forehead. "Stop moping, pup. You're going."

Rubbing the spot, I glared at him. "What if they don't like me?"

He scoffed. "Really, Archer? That's what you're worried about? Everytime my grandma calls, all she wants to do is talk about you. She doesn't care who I'm dating as long as I'm dating someone and not settling into single life. She loved werewolf pups more so than human babies."

Groaning, I wrapped my arms around my face. "I don't want to talk about pups. It's too soon."

"I agree, but you can't stop her. She's had Xavier and Darius beat for years. We don't stand a chance."

"I know." I frowned. "I hear about it all the time. Karen is coming, we need to clean the cave. Aden's parents will be here soon, so we need to bring out the good food. The whole pack stops what they're doing to prepare for your grandparents."

"Exaggerating, much?" He finished his soda and tossed the can in the trash. "She mostly visits Bloodhound, anyways."

I rolled my eyes. "She comes more often than you think to the main pack," I said under my breath as he went to check the dyer.

The timer ding and Saigon emerged with an armload of clothes. What the hell was he doing? I hurried after him into the living room where my suitcase was propped open. He dumped the clothes onto the couch.

"Pick out what you need."

"This is why you're a wrinkled mess all of the time." I pointed to the mound and didn't move from my spot to start packing.

Saigon sighed and knelt on the ground. He looked through what little I had packed and started adding more clothes. "Are you really going to make me do this for you?"

Ignoring him, I stared at the wall. Was I being immature about the situation, yes, but being around all of his family, during a full moon, with his grandma there asking about pups sounded like pure hell.

"You're going to hurt her feelings if you stay." He folded a red shirt.

I glanced at him.

"She's really excited to meet you. My dad told her all about us and how I've fallen in love with you. It would be kind of disappointing if you didn't want to spend time with my family. I am her only grandchild."

Let out a huff, I marched over and dumped out the clothes he had packed. "You're horrible at this. I'd hate to see what the inside of your bag looked like." I started to fold them properly. "If I turn into a mess in front of them, it's your fault. If the pack finds out about my moon sensitivity, that'll be your fault, too. So just know that every bad thing that happens is your fault."

Lifting my chin, he kissed my cheek. "Thank you. I'll take responsibility for everything."

I groaned. "I was always going to go."

With a grin, he kissed me properly. "Thanksgiving with the Perri family won't be that bad. You're not the first werewolf to be put to the test. My father survived the whole family being there, from what I've heard."

"I don't get human holidays." I smoothed out the wrinkles from the shirt on my lap.

"No werewolf does," he laughed, "but that's half the fun." He patted my shoulder as he stood. "I'll go start the truck."

"Hmm..." I grabbed a few more items from the pile. I was half-human, and I'd be depending on that half to get me through the next week.

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