Chapter 6: The Hunt (Saigon)

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I was going to die. My heart was going to beat out of my chest if my lungs didn't give out first. How did I get so out of shape? I laid sprawled out in the dirt gasping for air. Missing the kill wasn't nearly as embarrassing as the smirks I was getting from the others. They were a little winded. I might as well have been breathing through a straw. Nothing I tried was helping me catch my breath.

Archer jogged down the path. He wasn't even breathing hard. Glancing at me, the brown werewolf lifted a brow. "What are you doing?"

"Sucking air like he might die," chuckled an older dominant as he rose to his feet. "You have a ways to go, pup." Laughing to himself, he went to help the others.

I could have argued, but that would have wasted precious air. How did they do this every day? Groaning, I sat up.

Archer kicked my leg. "Let's go."

"Give me a minute."

"The longer you wait, the higher the sun is going to get. Try carrying the catch back in the heat of the day. Then, you'll be feeling it."

I staggered to my feet and held onto my knees. "Well, that wasn't too bad." Forcing a pained smile, I stood up straight.

Archer looked me over with disgust. "Hmm... to think you have all this extra muscle but none of it helped you run any faster. They might actually be weighing you down." His tail swished past my leg. "Hopefully, heavy lifting is more of your thing."

His attitude was cute, but I couldn't ignore it. I snatched his tail as Archer turned to leave.

"Saigon!" He shoved me back with an appalled look.

"Look, I caught something." I held it up.

The surrounding dominants chuckled.

"Let go." He pried at my fingers but I wasn't done teasing him. "I'm going to bite you if you don't let go, now!"

I grinned. My strength did come in handy in some situations. Archer opened his mouth and I knew he was serious. I caught him in a headlock.

"Saigon!" He tried to get my arm off. "You damn bastard. Get off me!"

"I'm just so tired," I breathed. "I need a crutch to help me down the hill."

"I'm going to throw you down the hill!" His head popped free and he glared at me.

"Some days, I wonder why you don't have red markings."

His muzzle fell open. "This coming from someone with a skunk stripe down their back."

"Now, that was hurtful." I folded my arms and was struggling to keep from smiling. "My dad would be so upset that you insulted my markings."

"Go to hell," Archer shot back before marching down the incline to where the others were gathering.

An older dominant patted my arm. "Reddish-brown," he said with a grin. "It how he keeps it hidden." Laughing, he continued on.

I watched Archer for a moment. In the sunlight, there was a bit of a red tone to his brown fur. My tail moved around my leg. Not nearly as vibrant as my red marking but enough to tease him about it.



That bastard. I marched to the river to get cleaned up after finishing haul back the catch. How could Saigon embarrass me like that in front of everyone!? It didn't help that I had puked that morning. It was my punishment for eating all that chocolate last night. I didn't think anyone saw me barfing into the bushes, at least. I stepped into the water and walked out to the middle.

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