Chapter 38: Panic Attack (Archer)

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Saigon was the one sweating for once. His grandparents had won over my father, but I still noticed him watching Saigon. My dad seemed happy to get to spend some time with Aden. It was strange to think that they could potentially be in-laws. I sank lower into the couch. All this talk about marriage was messing with my head.

The house was starting to be filled with different smells. Saigon talked about human food a lot and I had liked most of what we had eaten while at college.

"Out, out!" Karen chased the alpha from the kitchen. "There won't be any left if you keep sneaking food."

Darius chuckled and came to join Quint, my father, and me in the living room. Everyone else was either in the kitchen or the garage setting up chairs. The alpha sat on the other end of the couch and stretched his arm along the back.

"She ran you out?" said Quint.

He shrugged. "I was just taste testing." The alpha glanced at me.

I felt the pressure increase. Everyone else might think it normal to hang around alphas, but I didn't, and with Xavier being here, I had two of them. Not to mention the beta and Jagger only added to that stress.

"Saigon is busy, so if you need to tell me anything, now would be the time."

My father sat up straight.

Swallowing hard, I shook my head. "There's nothing to say. It's been good."

Darius nodded. "So, should we expect an announcement soon?"

My face flared red as I fell over my knees. "Why is everyone rushing this?" I ran my hands through my hair. "We're not in a hurry."

He leaned over and patted my back. "Werewolves work fast. We know what we want and go after it."

Quint scoffed. "I'll second that."

Darius grinned. "I think we got the better end of the deal. I wouldn't get to eat Karen's food if Titus hadn't won over Aden," he laughed.

Saigon's grandpa chuckled. "Titus is good for Aden. My son needed someone who's a bit more grounded. Even at his age, Aden is still on the flighty side. He doesn't stop to think things through until after it's over."

"Too true," added the alpha.

"Saigon is like Titus in that aspect," said Quint. "So don't panic." He smiled at me.

I clasped the back of my neck. "I like him and I'm taking it seriously. There's just some stuff in my head that I have to figure out."

"The girl?" said Quint.

My stomach dropped.

"Karen was telling me about it. Willow, right?"

An overwhelming sense of loss washed over me. My eyes started to water as my breath quickened. I tried to calm down but it only made it worse.

"Archer?" said my father. "Archer." He hurried over. "What's wrong?" He lifted my head and clasped my hands.

"I can't breathe. My chest, I can't—" I clutched my chest, gasping.


My dad appeared and raced over when he spotted me. "Archer, what happened?"

Panic started to set in.

"Hey, it's okay." He cupped my face. "Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Remember? Nice and slow."

"It hurts." I grabbed the neck of my shirt.

"Just look at me." He coached my breathing as I struggled to get myself under control.

I didn't know why I was acting this way. My body was acting up on his own. I was starting to freak out as I struggled with myself. More people kept appearing, which wasn't helping. I was lifted to my feet and two arms wrapped around me. I focused on breathing as Saigon hugged me.

"Oh my goodness." Karen hurried over. "Is he okay?" Her head snapped to Darius.

"I didn't do it!" the alpha exclaimed.

"It's a panic attack," said Rupert. "It's hard on a dominant to lose a mate." He put his arm around Peter. "It messes with our heads."

"I'm so sorry," said Quint. "I was under the impression Archer had gotten past... that person." He gave me a sad smile.

My breath had calmed down as I hugged Saigon back. The pain was still sitting right on the edge, but it was starting to fade.

Karen eyed her husband. "I can't leave poor Archer alone with you guys even for a second. Sit down, sweetheart." She ushered us to the couch. "I'll get you some water."

I kept a hold of Saigon's hand as I stared at the floor.

Karen returned and handed me a glass. "Alright, everyone," she announced. "The food is nearly done and that garage still needs some tables set up. A good meal will help everyone settle down." She herded them from the room.

Saigon kissed the side of my head. "It's okay."

I felt like crying and I was so mad at myself that I could feel the hot tears bubbling up. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

"You left your mark. It's hard to break that connection."

"I freaked out because I heard her name." I wiped my face. "Why can't she just go away? She left me. I don't want to be with her anymore. Even if she came back, I don't want her to be my mate."

Saigon took the glass as I struggled not to cry. My chest felt so heavy.

"We'll work through it." He pressed my head to his shoulder. "I'm honestly glad to hear that I don't have to worry about you leaving me for her."

I scoffed at the mark. "It was never something you had to worry about. The last few years have been hell." I faced him. "These last couple of months have been good for a change."

"Even with having to live around humans?"

With a laugh, I nodded. "Surprisingly, yes." I kissed him. "Thanks for helping calm me down. I made a bit of a spectacle of myself."

"Every dominant in this house fears the pain you're going through, Archer. Even me."

I kissed Saigon once more and leaned against him. "I'm ready for the full moon."

He chuckled. "It'll be a nice recharge."

"And I need one," I breathed.

We sat quietly as voices came from the kitchen.

"Have you ever thought of a death shock?" he whispered. "Not that I think you should do it, but if the pain gets too bad..."

With a sigh, I let my eyes close. "It's crossed my mind, but I'm scared to do it. Stopping and starting someone's heart is kind of a big deal."

"I wouldn't want you to risk it unless you have to."

I smiled at him. "The death rate is extremely low."

He shrugged. "There's still a death rate."

I sank deeper as a wave of fatigue hit. "Last night is catching up to me."

"Didn't you sleep?"

Rolling toward him, I yawned. "I was too uptight about touching you by accident."

"You can touch me all you want," he said in my ear with a suggestive tone.

"Good to know. Wake me up when it's time to eat."

"I will." He squeezed me to him. "I'm not going to let my uncle eat all of the turkey without us getting any."

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