Chapter 35: Karen (Archer)

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The truck stopped, and I jolted awake. Wiping my mouth, I looked around. "Are we there?"

Saigon nodded. "Yep." He pointed to the house. "Want to go in?"

Clearing my throat, I took a big breath. "I'm ready to get this over with if that's what you're asking."

Shaking his head, he turned off the vehicle and climbed out. I did the same and stared at the front door. "Let's get the bag."

"I'll bring them in later." Saigon looped his arm around my shoulders and waved at the window. "They already know we're here."

My chest tightened as I saw movement inside. The front door opened, and the short woman I had seen around the cave plenty of times hurried down the steps.

"They're here. They're here." Karen waved her hands in the air. "Oh my goodness, my baby boy has finally come to visit me." She hugged Saigon. "You do realize I'm getting old. You shouldn't make me wait so long between visits."

Saigon chuckled. "Will Christmas make up for it?"

"Hmm... how long is it?"

"I believe around four weeks."

"Perfect." She patted his cheek before turning to me. "Is this him?" She smiled

"Grandma, this is Archer."

"Oh, my heavens." She hugged me around the stomach.

I slightly panicked, not knowing what to do. This wasn't something I was used to experiencing.

"You're that cute brown werewolf Saigon played with growing up. I've enjoyed watching you grow up over the years. Look at you now." She motioned to me. "You're turned into a man. Come closer, sweetheart." She pulled my head down to her level. "You've always been covered in fur when I saw you around the cave. You are so handsome. I do love my subs, but these chocolate brown eyes are the sweetest thing. You were a darling pup. I was telling Quint all about it. I have a few pictures of you with Saigon. You're a dominant, right?" She led me towards the house with her arm around my waist.

I nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"Call me Karen or grandma." She gave me a squeeze. "I'm so happy you're here. I've been waiting all day. I'm so relieved Saigon went for a dominant. I worry and worry about Aden and Raven enough. Saigon is a bit spacey, at times, so it's good to know you can take care of yourself."

"I'm not spacey," Saigon muttered.

I sucked in my lips to keep from smiling.

"How's living with him?" She ushered me into the house. "He's a bit of a walking disaster."

Nodding, I laughed softly. "Yeah, he's terrible at cleaning up after himself.

Shutting the door, Saigon scoffed. "Why the sudden switch from defending me to picking on me?" he asked his grandma.

"You have more responsibilities now. You're not a child anymore." She lifted her finger.

Folding my arms, I nodded along with her. I kind of liked this woman.

"I've survived by myself at college before Archer."

Karen threw her hands in the air. "And what a mess I'd have to come and clean up. I'm sorry, sweetheart, but you're a little hopeless. You've seen all of my notes, right?"

I grinned. "Yeah, I'm in charge of the laundry for a reason."

"Thank god. That is a relief." She looped her arms with me and looked me in the eyes. "I think you're just the man my Saigon needs."

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