Chapter 19: The Next Beta (Archer)

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The tension in the car was making me feel sick. My senses were on high alert as I couldn't figure out what Saigon was going to do next. His actions were unpredictable, and he had never spoken to me in that way before. There was a definite change in him.

We approached the garage. My chest felt tight when a red werewolf stepped in front of the headlights.

"The alpha..." I breathed. My skin started to prickle. Swallowing hard, I bowed my head. It was a punishment I had earned. I flinched when the other door opened and closed.

The car was still running. I glanced up to see Saigon standing by my door watching his uncle.

"You stole a car," stated the alpha.


"You fucking stole it!" He bared his teeth. "You do not take what is not yours. You know that, Saigon. You broke in the main door and stole a car. The two girls told me where you went. Base Acid is forbidden. I will not let you or him threaten this pack."

I sunk into my shoulders when the alpha motioned to me.

"Get out, Archer, now," said Darius.

I did so and stood beside Saigon. He didn't look worried at all that we were going to be punished. He was higher ranked, so I doubt the alpha's toxin would do much to him. They would hurt me.

"It's Willow's fault," Saigon stated.

"He's a grown-ass man. Archer made the choice for himself."

"Willow did this." Claws appeared on the end of Saigon's fingers. "She instigated everything and you've done nothing to stop it."

"Today is the first time I've heard of them sneaking out," said the alpha. "It seems certain members of my pack have been keeping secrets. You both are included in that."

Saigon was heaving. The energy coming off him was making me fight back the urge to run.

"I know you went to get Archer," said Darius. "I get that. But you should have come to me first."

"You would have waited for him to come back," snapped Saigon.

"Yes," stated the alpha. "I would have because sending a bunch of werewolves into a club filled with teenagers sounds like one big accident waiting to happen. Humans get hurt; WIR gets involved. Aden should be enough for you to know that. If anything happens to your dad, WIR will be right there."

"So you'd rather Archer gets hurt?"

"He's a damn werewolf, Saigon. I hope he can handle a few teenagers." Darius shook his head at his nephew. "Take off your jacket." He motioned to me. "I can't allow this. You went behind my back and put your pack at risk."

My throat felt really dry as I did so. Darius held out his hand. I stepped forward and let out a shaky breath.

"If it still hurts in three days, come and see me."

I stared at the alpha's claws as I showed him my arm. Closing my eyes, I waited. Nothing happened. I could feel his grip but not his claw. Opening my eyes, I saw Saigon holding his uncle's wrist.

"Don't touch him."

"Let go," ordered the alpha.

"Don't touch him." Saigon's fangs came out. Fur started to appear on his arms.

I staggered away from the two. My hands were shaking. I didn't like this feeling or understand it.

"He has to be punished."

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