Chapter 14: Rivalry (Archer)

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I lifted myself out of the water and rolled my head from side to side. The exhaustion was setting in, but I wasn't going to fall asleep covered in deer blood again. Footsteps approached me from behind. I glanced back and saw Willow. Straightening up, I quickly climbed to my feet.


"Hi." I wiped the water away from my eyes. "Last night was a ton of fun."

She smiled. "Good to hear. I was worried you weren't having fun." She touched my arm. "Look at you, you're soaking wet," she laughed.

I swallowed hard. "I got back from the hunt and needed to clean up a bit."

"I wish more of the men were like you."

My ears stood up straight.

"Most would rather smell like blood all day. I like how you take care of your fur." She picked up my towel. "Do you want to go for a walk with me?"

I nodded. "Um... give me a second." I took the towel from her and held it up as I shifted forms before wrapping it around my waist. After shoving the rest of my things in my bag, I wiped the water off my arms.

A finger ran up my spine, making me flinch.

Willow laughed. "Did that tickle?"

"A little." I stood and held onto the edge of my towel. I wasn't sure what to do. My hair was still dripping down my face. Shifting again, I used the towel to dry my head fur. I laid the towel across a rock to dry. "Alright, where do you want to go?"

With a smile, she looped arms with me. "Anywhere. I just want to spend time with you."

My breath caught. What in the hell was happening? Did Saigon's declaration cause all the girls to give up on him, and now Willow was actually going to give me a chance? I smiled at the thought. She led me through the boulders outside the cave to the main entrance.

"Do you want to go down by the river?" I asked.

"Alright." She started talking about her friends as we crossed the bridge.

I stuttered a step when I spotted Saigon in the parking garage. His smile faded as he looked between Willow and me.

"Hey, Saigon," said Willow. "How was the family?"

"Fine." He grabbed his bag out of the back. "Where are you two going?"

She shrugged. "For a walk." She squeezed my arm.

My stomach fluttered. This was new.

"We'll see you around." Willow waved at him and pulled me off down the trail.

I glanced between her and Saigon. She didn't want to talk to him longer? I smiled to myself. Willow wasn't interested in him at all. Walking a little taller, I was starting to think breaking a few rules wasn't that bad. It impressed Willow enough to finally get over Saigon. Now if Saigon would only get over himself and mind his own business. He was the one who was leaving in a little over a month, and who knew, maybe by the time he came back next summer, I'd have a mate.



What the hell was that! I hurled my bag across the room. That damn bitch, I gritted my teeth. She did that on purpose. Willow was flaunting Archer in front of me. How dare she?! She was taunting me, reminding me of the one person I couldn't have! Going to the dresser, I gripped the edges. She had to have figured out I liked Archer. There was no way she actually liked him. That self-centered woman wasn't capable of liking anyone but herself. Cursing myself, I dug my claws into the wood and stared at my reflection in the mirror attached to the top. There was no way in hell I'd let her be Archer's mate. Anyone but her.

Giggling sounded in the hallway. Were they fucking following me!? My fist hit the glass and shattered it. A mother walked by my room with a small pup. I stepped in front of the mess I had made and stared at the wall. Blood dripped off my fingers. What had gotten into me? Facing the dresser, I sighed. My grandma was going to kill me. This had belonged to my parents. How was I ever going to explain this? Removing my clothes, I shifted forms. I kicked everything against the wall before finding a tin garbage can where I could put the glass.

I wouldn't let her win. Willow had declared war and I was going to have to remind her I was the next beta. Her parasitic life was going to end. That girl was going to get her act together and start helping out the pack. I was going to see to it.



"It's so hot today," I breathed as we sat on the bank of the river. "I'm glad I only have to work in the morning and at night."

"Poor thing, with all this dark fur." She grabbed my muzzle and shook it. "Should I cool you off." Willow splashed me.

I held up my arms to block it. "Hey," I laughed.

"What? I'm trying to cool you off." She shot me a smirk.

I rubbed in the water. "It does feel pretty good."

"It must be hard having to do the hunting party every day."

"Sometimes." I picked at the grass around my legs. "But it's my job. I'm one of the fastest runners in the pack."

She moved toward me. "I heard you were the fastest."

I tried not to smile. "I might be."

"Are you faster than Saigon?"

Sitting up straight, I nodded. "I beat him even if he cheats and tries to get a head start."

Willow leaned against my arm. My chest tightened. This was amazing!

"Dominants have it hard." She lifted her chin with her eyes hooded.

"It could be worse," I chuckled. "Some are assigned border patrol practically every night. I'll take the hunting party over that."

"I doubt even a rogue could outrun you." She cupped my cheek.

I swallowed hard. "Probably not. I've... I've never had to chase a rogue, though. They threw me into the rotation whenever they need someone to fill a slot."

"I bet they do." She touched my thigh.

My heart was pounding so fast. This was unexpected but also thrilling. She bumped her nose against mine before our lips meant.

She leaned back with a smile before standing. "Lets go for a walk into the forest."

Nodding, I rose to my feet. "Sure. Sure... um. Where too?"

She grabbed my hand. "Anywhere." Willow leaned into my ear. "I'm sure you know of somewhere we can be alone."

My muzzle dropped open. "Yes, I know of a few places."

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