Chapter 15: Glass Shards (Archer)

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I felt lighter. I couldn't believe Willow liked me too. Smiling to myself, I wandered toward my room to take a nap. I spotted Saigon sitting on the side of his bed, hunched over.

"Hey." I tapped my knuckles on the rock wall.

Saigon glanced at me.

"What are you moping around about?" I went over and sat beside him.

"Nothing," he muttered.

"Did things not go well with your parents?"

"Nope, it was good."

I glanced at his hand. "You're bleeding."

"Oh." He covered it with his other hand.

"What did you do?" I grabbed his wrist. "Why are you still bleeding?" I pried it away from him. "Knock it off. Something is wrong if you're still bleeding."

"I'm fine. Stop."

Locking eyes with him, I sat up straight. "Quit acting like a pup and sit still." I frowned about the amount of blood coating his fur. "What the hell did you do?"

"It's nothing." He tried to take his hand away.

"Cut it out!" I jerked him to me. "It looks like you have a piece of glass in your hand."

I scanned the room and noticed the mirror was missing in the dresser. Small pieces were stuck along the edges. I glanced between him and it, but Saigon wouldn't look at me. I let go of his hand as my instincts picked up the tension in his body.

"What happened?"

Saigon shrugged. "Don't worry about it."

Nodding, I swallowed hard. "I'll be right back." I stood and hurried off to my room. Pulling out a box from under my bed, I grabbed a small first aid bag my dad had made for me. I opened it up and took out the tweezers. Returning to Saigon's room, I sat down beside him.

"Let me see."

"I said it was fine."

"Either you let me take it out with these"—I showed him—"or I can use my claws. One is going to hurt a hell of a lot worse."

Grumbling, Saigon held out his hand.

It was hard to see through the short fur that was matted in blood.


Still muttering to himself, Saigon did so. I tossed a pillow onto his crotch.

"What a mess." There were a couple wounds that weren't healing properly. "Why didn't you get these out?" I pressed on a couple lumps of skin that had healed over.


"It's your fault." I used my claw to reopen the skin.

"Archer! That hurts."


I removed the small piece of glass and the other shards. I placed them onto a crumpled up piece of paper nearby. Saigon squired and whined throughout the whole process.

"There you go, you giant pup. Don't be stupid next time."

Saigon rubbed his knuckles. "You injected me with toxins."

"You're higher ranks. You can handle it." I rose to my feet and went to throw the piece of paper away.

"It still hurt."

"Tell that to a lower rank." I stood over him. "Did it heal, or did I miss some?"

He rubbed the back of his hand. "It's fine."

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