Chapter 52: Honeymoon Period

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I ran the vacuum over the carpet to get the last of the crunched-up popcorn. We should have moved the bowl to a safer place.

Saigon jogged down the stairs. "I found it." He lifted up his phone and hurried over. Kissing my cheek, he nuzzled my neck. "I'll be back around four."

"Sounds good."

"I bring something home for dinner."

"Good because this"—I pulled over my shirt—"doesn't mean I suddenly know how to cook."

"I'll handle that. Bye." He waved as he headed out the door.

With a sigh, I dropped onto the couch. It seemed unnatural to be this happy.

"Shit." I covered my face. It felt good.

Climbing to my feet, I finished cleaning up the living room and started to sort through the laundry. I was enjoying having my own machine. Sending out laundry was such a pain. I scratched at my mark. It was different to be on this side of a mating. The sex was better simply because of the climax. I sucked in my lips as memories filled my head.

I tugged at my hair. "I'm turning into a goddamn sub." A smile broke through. I'd be okay being Saigon's sub. Besides, he was the one that suggested that next time we could try it where I was the one topping when he marked me. That would be interesting. The imagery entered my head and I cursed when I felt my body react.

What was I, a horny teenager again?

I fell into the pile of clothes that smelled strongly of Saigon. I think this is what they meant by the honeymoon period, and it was a total mind-fuck.



I wandered to the stairs and noticed three people standing in the entryway.

"They heard." Saigon shrugged as Liam and Cyrus took off their shoes.

"We brought donuts." Cyrus lifted the box of what looked to be dessert.

I wandered down the stairs. "How was your Christmas?"

They shrugged.

"Fine," said Liam. "We don't have human parents. The alpha house celebrates it but it's not as intense as at the Perri's. At least, that's what Daven said."

"Yeah," I rubbed my neck. "Karen can be a little intense."

Saigon scoffed and took the box. "She is a loving woman." He hurried into the kitchen. "Who also knows how to get her way."

We chuckled and followed him to the counter. I opened the box. It smelt like pure sugar.

"Congrats on becoming mates," said Liam.

I gave him a smile as I grabbed the chocolate-coated donut. "Thanks."

"Still weird, huh?"

I nodded. "I talk to my dad a bit before and after. He explained it."

"The sex is great, right?"

My face started to heat up as I glanced at Cyrus and Saigon. "I need a drink." I hurried to the fridge.

"What about you?" Cyrus slapped Saigon on the back. "That marks mess with your head."

Saigon nodded with a grin. "It does but in a good way. I loved him before the mark."

"Daven wants us to tell you congrats," said Liam. "He was a little pissed that he didn't go to the Perris' house this year."

"Jagger and Darius were there. That was plenty," said Saigon. "Not to mention my in-laws."

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