Chapter 25: A Second Mate (Archer)

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Pizza was a lot better than I thought. It was kind of like a meat sandwich with ketchup but fancier. I grabbed another slice. I was starting to feel a little better now that my stomach wasn't gnawing at me. It was nice to be away from humans as well. The bus ride here had been a trip I never wanted to take again. I poured myself some of the water with bubbles. It smelled weird. I took a drink and choked as it fizzled in my nose.

"Carbonation," said Saigon. "It makes soda a bit more exciting than sugar water." He had opened a large box of dessert and had eaten at least three different types. My dad was trying a couple while my father and the alpha talked. I wanted some, too, but I'd settle for pizza.

"So I think we should head back in the morning," said Darius.

"I want to stay here." I froze at my comment and turned to Saigon.

He looked just as surprised.

"Why?" The alpha leaned back in his seat. "You don't like humans. I know you're friends with Saigon, but you belong with the pack."

I shrugged. "I don't know. My head is being weird. I thought I could stay here for a little while. The pack is doing their best to help me, but my mate still ran away. It's hard."

Darius turned to his nephew. "What do you think? It's your house."

Saigon folded his arms and looked at the floor. "I don't think it's a good idea."

My spirits sank. I set the pizza on my plate and sunk lower in my chair. It was a long shot to begin with. He hadn't come home in two years. It was pretty clear he didn't want me around.

"Well, why not?" snapped my father, glaring at Saigon. "Archer is going through a hard time and the pack is making him uncomfortable. To have your mate leave you is embarrassing."

I sucked in my cheek. He was embarrassing me even more. This was not turning out like I had hoped.

"He needs some time away. You have an extra room."

"Rupert," said my dad, clasping the man's arm. "Please."

"I still have feelings for him," replied Saigon.

My father bristled at the comment. "That was two years ago. You won't even come to Northern Ridge. You've been avoiding Archer all this time. Get over it."

"I can't," said Saigon. "Archer has a mate." He motioned to me. "I didn't want to cause problems between them, and honestly, I didn't want to see it. Two years"—he shrugged—"so what? I still love him. That's not something that I can get over."

I made eye contact with Saigon. It felt sincere and I couldn't decide whether I should stay or run. Last time, running away had ended with me making the biggest mistake of my life.

"I'd love for Archer to stay with me," he continued, "but you need to see if from my perspective."

"He's your best friend," said my father. "It's possible to live together as friends. I live next to Darius, and I'm friends with him. And that's how it stays."

Peter sighed. "Rupert, are you in love with Darius?"

The alpha started to snicker.

"No." He frowned at the sub. "Who the hell would ever be in love with Darius?"

"Storm," muttered Darius. "My mate."

"One person, that's it."

My dad clasped his mate's hands. "Relationships aren't your strength." He smiled, looking uneasy. "It would be hard on Saigon to have Archer live here with him all day, every day when he has feelings for him. It's not the same as a friend coming over for a short visit. They'd be living together and it would be really inconsiderate if we didn't take Saigon's feelings into account."

With a sigh, my father glared at the wall with his arms folded. "Fine. Whatever they decide is fine."

My dad hugged him. "Thank you."

Muttering under his breath, my father put his arm around his mate's shoulders. "So, are we leaving, then?"

Darius looked at me. "That's up to you. Saigon's made it clear he likes you and wants to pursue a relationship. By staying, the least you can do is give him a chance."

I shifted in my seat. "I'm mated, though. I can't have another one."

"You can after I kill her," my father muttered under his breath.

My dad hushed him.

The alpha leaned across the table and pulled my shirt to the side. "Hmm... funny, I don't see a mark."

The possibility hit me and I stared at him, wide-eyed. I hadn't been marked, so I could have another mate? But, I'd have to be the submissive partner. Saigon would be the one marking me. I rubbed my shoulder. That was a terrifying thought.

My father scoffed. "You want my dominant son to be marked by another man?"

Darius nodded. "Storm's a dominant and I marked her."

"She's a girl."

"As a gay man, I'd thought you'd be more open." The alpha eyed my father, who recoiled into his seat.

"Do you even like men?" asked my father. "Or are we wasting our time by trying out whatever this is?" He motioned between us.

I swallowed hard as they waited for an answer. The thought of being with a man didn't seem that different than being with a woman. It was the dynamic that made me uneasy. How we had sex would change a lot, but that wasn't something I was ready for. Other than that, I wasn't gross out by the thought of kissing Saigon.

I nodded. "I'd be okay with a man. The extreme physical stuff, I'm trying to process, but I'd be okay with dating a guy."

Saigon was failing at controlling his excitement. If he had been in werewolf form, his tail would have been wagging like crazy.

Darius wrapped his knuckles on the table. "My permission is needed."

"Of course," said Saigon quickly.

"And my permission relies on Archer's consent." He looked me in the eyes. "If you decide this isn't what you want, call me, and I'll bring you home."

"Yes, alpha," I replied.

"But he's a dominant," said my father. "How can a dominant be a sub?"

Darius stood. "When we get back, you can ask Storm. I'm sure she'll answer all of your questions."

My father pulled at his hair. It appeared that he was struggling to grasp the concept, but as my dad said, relationships were his weak point.

"Let's go. We'll get a hotel room." Darius turned to his nephew. "Do you have clothes for him?"

"I think so. If not, we'll go shopping."

Peter hurried over. "Go on a less busy day. Humans make—"

"Dad! I think you're leaving," I stated.

He touched Saigon's arm. "Take care of him. He's been through a lot and it would be nice to have someone love him back for a change."

"Dad," I groaned. "Please, go. You're making it weird." The situation was already embarrassing enough.

My father stood up tall and pointed at Saigon. "You better respect him. That's my son."

I wanted to melt into the ground. Why were my parents being so goddamn awkward?

"If you hurt him—" He clenched his fist.

"I have no plans of ever hurting him," replied Saigon. "As Darius pointed out, I would be the one marking Archer, so just like you with Peter, I wouldn't be capable of hurting him. The idea alone would never cross my mind."

The tension in my father's body lessened. "Hmm... that's true." He smiled and took my dad's hand. "Call." He pointed at me. "Don't ever make us worry like this again."

"Bye." My dad waved as he was led outside.

The alpha nodded to us both, standing halfway out the door. "Good luck, boys. We'll be waiting to hear how this works out."

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