Chapter 21: Shouldn't Have (Saigon)

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I gazed up at the ceiling and took a moment to do a mental check. I felt better. There was still a nagging edge, but overall, I felt normal.

"Saigon! Saigon!"

I sat up at the sound of my dad's voice. Climbing out of bed, I went to the door.

My dad collided with me. "Darius called." He pulled my muzzle down to his level. "You're okay, right? How are you feeling? If you're feeling angry, it's normal, but we have to work on not letting it get the better of you."

"Dad, Dad." I put some space between us. "I'm fine. I didn't hurt anyone. I was a little tense last night and Darius caught onto it."

My father stood not too far off. "Well"—he let out a deep breath—"congratulations."

With a sigh, I felt my shoulders drop. "Yeah, that's one way of putting it."

"It's not that bad." My father put his arm around my neck. "It's like getting to take over the family business."

"I wasn't given much of a choice," I muttered.

"You'll do great." My dad squeezed my hand. "You're more level-headed than Titus."

"Hey?" The beta frowned. "I'm level-headed."

"You're going to be amazing." My dad smiled at me.

Noise came from the main chamber.

"What's going on?" My father started toward the commotion.

My dad looped arms with me as we followed. "Beta, that's a pretty big deal."

"You're mated to the beta."


"You shouldn't be surprised."

"With how much you whined about it might not be you, I thought you knew something I didn't. I haven't been a werewolf much longer than you."

"Hmm..." That was strangely true.

We exited the tunnel and saw the lower ranks huddled around but not getting too close. The red fur of the alpha could be seen in the middle.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?"

I heard a yelp and knew how it belonged to. Darius said he wouldn't. He said he wouldn't hurt Archer. The anger from last night was met with desperation. I charged. The crowd parted and I saw Archer on the ground bleeding with Darius standing over him. I launched myself into the air, ready to dig my claws into the alpha, but I was caught by two sets of hands. My father and Rupert tackled me.

"Get off! Get off me!" I took swipes at them but my father pinned me onto my stomach and pushed my head into the dirt.

"Calm down, Saigon," he said in my ear.

"You promised me! You said you wouldn't hurt him. You lied!" I struggled to get closer to Darius. I'd punish him for what he did.

Darius stood above me and glanced at Archer. The brown werewolf was shaking in pain as he knelt on the ground. Beside him laid Willow. She was sobbing as Archer pulled her closer. I saw it. On her shoulder, where the fur no longer grew, I saw the bite mark. My eyes shot to Archer but he wouldn't look at me. What did he do?

The alpha stooped down. "It's permanent."

It felt like my soul was breaking. It was a pain I had never experienced before. It crashed down on me, and the tense anger shifted to a feeling of betrayal and hurt that I couldn't keep inside.

"Get off," I said in a quieter voice. "Get off."

My father moved to the side and I hurried from the chamber. I went back to my room and sat huddled in the corner. The tears were already falling. He wanted someone else and had chosen the one person I couldn't bear to hand him over to. The heavy breaths turned to sobs and I couldn't stop it. I didn't want to cry over him. Archer betrayed me. He did it on purpose to hurt me. I didn't want to cry over something so stupid.

"Saigon?" My dad stood at the door, holding back the curtain.

I looked away.

Hurrying over, the sub knelt at my side and wiped the tears from my fur. "Tell me what's wrong?"

My attempts to get my emotions under control broke. I fell into his chest and sobbed. "I love him."


"It slipped out last night. He did it to hurt me."

He cradled my head and ran his fingers through my fur. "It's okay. You can cry all you want," he whispered. "Losing the person you love is hard."

My breath had turned to gasps. "Something— something is wrong with me."

"You're going through a hard time in your life and Archer isn't helping."

"No, he's not," I snapped. "I don't want to be here." I wiped my eyes.

"You can come to Bloodhound or spend some time with your grandparents. I was thinking of staying with them for a couple weeks. Your grandma wants to plan a family trip. We can go somewhere fun before you leave."

Nodding, I started to get myself under control.

My dad continued to comfort me as he played with my fur. "We all make mistakes, Saige."

I lifted my head.

"And Archer is making a pretty big one right now."

With a huff, I sunk deeper. "Explain that to him."

He rubbed my arm. "He'll learn it for himself soon enough."



Darius narrowed his eyes at me. "Get out of my sight. You both can settle for the rank of omega for the time being. You don't deserve anything more than that."

I helped Willow sit up. My parents stood nearby, watching me. My dad stared at me in a state of shock while my father had the same stone face. Darius had gone after his brother, who had chased after Saigon. One by one the pack turned their backs on us. The pain only mounted what I was already feeling.

Staggering to my feet, I lifted Willow up and held her to me as she cried.

"We are very disappointed in you," said my father. "You went against me, the alpha, and your pack by doing this."

I opened my mouth but couldn't find the words.

My father wasn't going to stay to listen to my excuse. He took his mate by the hand and left. Between the toxin and rejection of my pack, I had never felt alone. I had my mate in my arms but was fighting the urge not to run after my parents, my pack, and even the alpha. This was a mistake.

Willow nearly fell. I caught her, and we shuffled outside and wandered along the rocks. I laid her down and licked the wound. Darius had sliced much deeper into her arm. Mine was more like a scratch compared to her wound. I'd fix it. As soon as she was well, I'd erase the scar and we'd move on. Little by little, the pack would see that I was doing my best to serve them and they accepted us back in. I sat beside her.

"Are you thirsty?"

She nodded.

"I'll bring you something. I'll sneak inside and find you a blanket as well."

Willow curled into a fetal position, shaking. It hurt to see her like this. The mate connection had made my bond with her even stronger. I'd fix this, I'd fix everything. Standing, I held onto the wall as my sight cleared. It was going to be a miserable few days for us. The punishment was over and done with. We'd survive this.

I shuffled inside and went to the tunnel where my room was located. I glanced around the corner and saw the alpha standing with Titus. I dropped to my knees. I'd have to wait for them to leave. I didn't know if my room was still mine. Sobbing made my ears perk up. I listened closely. Saigon was crying?

He was crying. I swallowed hard and covered my muzzle. I didn't think it would hurt him bad enough that he would cry. Shutting my eyes, I took deep breaths as a wave of nausea hit. I should have gotten permission to mate with Willow first. I should have talked to Saigon and let him know that I couldn't be his mate. I should've let my parents spend some time with Willow before committing to their relationship.

I caused so much pain.

I shouldn't have done it.

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