Chapter 2: Old Friends (Saigon)

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I had fallen for him. I couldn't remember exactly when I started seeing Archer as more than a friend, but I had done enough thinking over the past year to know the feelings I had were not normal. I liked him. Maybe it was the way he wasn't afraid to stand up to me. For every sarcastic comment I said, he had two more to throw back at me. Even after training for soccer, he could always outrun me, or it could simply be the way he smiled. I flipped through the images on my phone. He did have a nice smile.

Archer was different and I liked that.

My father pulled the car into an empty parking spot in the shop. I climbed out and started unloading the trunk.

My dad stood to the side. "I'd like it if you'd consider coming and spreading some time with us in Bloodhound. Even if it's only for a day or two."

This was why my dad always got his way in the end. It didn't take much for him to make me feel extremely guilty. It worked on my father and the older I got, the better it worked on me.

I took a deep breath. "Alright. I'll come and visit before I leave for college."

His face lit up, and he picked up a couple bags before heading to the ATVs with a bounce in his step.

"He wore you down?" said my father.

I nodded and closed the trunk. "He's good at it."

"It' a sub's superpower," he whispered in my ear. "Why do you think we raised you with proper blankets and pillows? I told him hides were the proper bedding for a werewolf pup, but he gave me that sad face and I threw them all out. From that moment, all these human things started taking over."

"I'm sure grandma had a part of it."

"She'd make me build a cabin in the woods if she could have everything her way."

"Or a house next to them."

He lifted a finger. "Be careful who you say that around. If it gets any traction, she'll never let it go until we move to Harper's Creek and turn into domestics."

"Sounds like blasphemy to me," I said with a smirk.

"I'm only a quarter human. I'd never make it like you or Aden."

"Whatever you say."

We gathered my things and piled them into the ATV in the backseat beside me. My father turned on the vehicle and started down the road toward Northern Ridge. My nerves were starting to build. I wanted to see if a relationship was possible with Archer, but walking up to him and blurting out my feelings would probably scare him off. Being with me would also put him in the submissive role. It wouldn't be the same as my parents. Archer seemed like the kind of man who would want to be in control. I stared at the passing forest. Werewolves were more fluid with their sexuality but that didn't mean Archer would agree to be in a gay relationship. I bounced my leg as I thought over the possibilities.

"Are you nervous?" My dad glanced at me.

"No. Oh, sorry." I moved my leg away from the back of his seat. "I'm just excited."

"It's okay to be nervous."

"Dad," I breathed. "Please, I'm not a little pup anymore who's afraid to get on a bus. I spent the last four years going to school with humans."

"Humans aren't nearly as scary as werewolves." He turned forward.

"Sure," I muttered.

The ATV bounced along the path toward the cave. The shelter appeared up ahead of us.

My father pulled into an empty spot. "We made it."

"Yeah." I took in a deep breath. It felt good to be home.

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