Chapter 8: Rich and Shiny (Saigon)

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I puttered around the water, as my dad would say: in full pout mode. Archer ditched me and it didn't look like he was coming back. Stupid Willow, what was so good about her? I would make a better mate. Though, Archer wouldn't have to be the submissive partner with Willow. God, he was never going to choose me.

"Hi, Saigon."

I shot to my feet and spun around.

Raven laughed. "Did I startle you?"

"No," I said, trying to play it off. "Not possible, my reflexes are just super sensitive."

The white werewolf didn't look like he was buying it. He dropped his bags and started taking out the different items. "Why are you here all alone? By the sounds of it, everyone else is at the river."

"I like my alone time." I shrugged. "Where's your loverboy?"

Raven tensioned at the comment. "Um... he's busy with my dad."

I gave him a smirk. "Did I startle you, Raven?"

His muzzle fell open. "No. Everyone says we're being a little too affectionate, that's all."

"They're teasing, Raven."

"I know." He stepped into the water. "But I don't want to make people uncomfortable so I'm trying to calm it down."

"Did your dad tell you to?"

"My mom," he replied under his breath. He dipped under the water before going to get his shampoo. "Jagger still has to give off the powerful, future leader vibe and I'm not helping."

I chuckled. "Jagger is doing just fine. Don't worry."

"He is?"

I nodded. "He ran my ass up and down those mountains and barely broke a sweat. Besides, I can tell that everyone is starting to sense he's going to be the next alpha."

The sub smiled and scrubbed his fur.

"You picked that up from Peter."

"He gave me some tips and tricks to keep my fur from yellowing"—the white werewolf pointed his nose in the air—"so don't even bother making fun of me."

"I wasn't going to. Archer does it, too. We'd do a quick rinse, and he's over there scrubbing his tail and between his toes." I laughed to himself. "Peter past on the clean freak mentality."

"I think this pack could use a few more clean freaks." He looked me up and down.

"What?" I peered down at my fur. I had been soaking for nearly an hour. There wasn't a bit of dirt on me.

"Your fur would look really nice if you put more effort into it."

Scratching my chest, I hummed to myself. "Does Jagger do it?"

"He does every once in a while. His fur gets this shiny, rich black color to it."

"Never took him for a romantic," I muttered.

"There's nothing wrong with looking nice for someone you like."

"Hmm..." I waded over and read the bottle he was using. The label said it helped protect fur was yellowing and added an extra sheen. I didn't have to worry about my fur yellowing.

Raven took it from me. "That one is not for you." Pulling over his bag, he lifted out another bottle. "This would work great."

I grabbed it from him. "Dark fur, adds a richness and shine to any coat." I scrunched up my nose. "It sounds weird."

"Then, don't use it." He took it away. "I have a bar of soap in there if you prefer."

I held out my hand. "Let's see if this stuff actually works."

Raven laughed as he squirted some in my hand. Maybe extra 'shine' and 'rich' black fur was the edge I need to impress a certain werewolf around here.


"I'm going to miss you." My dad hugged me.

"Dad, you're going to be an hour away."

"Exactly." He grabbed my chin. "You smell good." Aden looked me up and down. "Have you been doing something with your f—"

"Oh, look, here's Father with the ATV!" I turned him around. "I promise to visit as soon as I get a day off."

My dad eyed me. "I want more than one visit."

"As many days off as I can get." I gave him a grin and led the sub to the ATV.

My father turned in his seat. "Behave. I better not find out you've been slacking. Don't abuse the fact the Darius is your uncle. The last thing you need is your peer resenting you. Make them respect you."

With a deep breath, I nodded. "I'll do my best. Have a safe trip." I helped my dad into the passenger side.

He eyed me. "Do you like someone?"

I forced a smile. "Raven got a hold of me. Stop reading into it. I'm eighteen. I don't plan on rushing things like you two."

My dad scoffed. "Oh, that's a great thing to say to your parents. You have no idea what we went—"

"Bye," I said over him. I kissed the side of the werewolf's head. "I'll visit soon."

The sub kept muttering to himself as my father stared at me with an eyebrow raised.

"You're too young." Titus shifted the ATV into gear. "Times have changed, so don't even think about it. You're not old enough to defend someone."

"It's Raven fault. I swear!" I motioned to the cave. "He bought some weird shit for Jagger and tried it out on me."

My dad glared at me. "Don't get into the habit of swearing while you're here. Your grandmother will throw a fit and blame us for it."

"Sorry." I backed away, trying to not look guilty. "You should go. It's getting late."

Nodding, my father pulled out into the large clearing. I stood to the side and awkwardly waved. I was never washing my fur again. Had that soap made that big of a difference?

Jogging up the hill to the cave, I spotted Archer with his usual group of friends.

He nodded toward me when he saw me coming up the path. "Did your parents leave?"

"Yep, I just sent them off."

"Did your dad make a fuss about it?"

"Basically." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"You look good today, Saigon," said a female voice.

I glanced at the girl who had said it and smiled. "Thanks. My cousin tried out some of his fancy soap on me. It does work." I ran my hand over my stomach fur.

"Super sexy"—Willow walked up and leaned against Archer—"but black werewolves come by it naturally." She laughed.

I was starting to wish my parents came back. It was less awkward with them.

"Are you ready to go?" asked Willow.

Archer nodded.

"Hey." I nudged his arm. "I can by last night. Where were you at?"

He opened his mouth.

"With us." Willow smiled. "We went on a night run. You should come sometimes. We go up above the cave."

"I have patrol a lot." I swallowed hard. "I have it tonight, so I should go and get ready. See you around."

Archer nodded. "Yeah." He grinned at me. "Don't let Jagger get the best of you."

"Too late," I laughed. "He's hard to keep up with."

Nodding to the group, I hurried into the cave. I stepped out of sight and watched them. For some reason, I was starting to not trust Archer's friends. 

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