Chapter 61: Avalanche (Archer)

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Clothes were tossed at my feet.

"Put those on."

I stared at them as I stood just outside the van. We were in some garage. Different vehicles were parked around us. All were solid black with tinted windows.

"Put them on or walk around naked. Either way, shift to human before we make you," said the black man.

Nodding, I sighed and shifted forms. I picked up the shorts and put them on. Pulling the drawstring tight, I glanced at their leader. He was going to be a powerful werewolf, but he didn't seem that old. Which was a good thing because I didn't want to deal with him when he was fully grown. I tugged the t-shirt over my head. It was extra baggy.

The man shook his head. "Sorry, we thought you'd be bigger."

I glared at him. Was this some running joke? I wasn't Saigon; I was a goddamn runner.

"Let's go." He nodded toward a door as one of the others grabbed my arm.

We walked through a white hall to an elevator. I hated these things. The few times I had been forced to use one were enough to make me prefer the stairs. We filed inside, and I waited for my stomach to flutter as the room rose.

A man with brown hair pulled the neck of my shirt over.

I jerked to the side. "Don't touch me."

He chuckled. "Just making sure there was actually a mark."

I yanked the shirt right up to my neck to cover my mating bite. "It's none of your fucking business."

The black man's eyes flicked over to me. "You'd be dead already without it."

Swallowing hard, I took a deep breath as the doors parted. I was taken out into a rather nice hallway. I expected this place to be similar to the hunters' hideout but a little more worn down. We stopped at a doorway and the leader knocked.

It opened and I was surprised by the white werewolf inside. He smiled slightly at the black man before darting away. I was led inside the dark room. The curtains were pushed to the sides, but the only light was the night sky. My eyes went to the moon. I still had time before my body turned to mush.

"We brought the pup."

The black man yanked me forward and shoved me toward an armchair. A hand reached out for the drink that was on the table beside it.

"Archer, correct?" said a deep voice with a raspiness to it.

I stood there and glanced around.

"That was a question."

"Yes." I could sense the power of the werewolf sitting in the chair. I wouldn't stand a chance against him.

"Come around." He waved for me.

I shuffled forward and walked to the front. They were all staring at me, making my heart beat even quicker.

"So, you're the one Saigon chose?"

I nodded. The man was on Darius's level and that scared me even more. His dark hair and eye blended in with the shadows, and his every move made me flinch. This was not a man I would fight; I'd run and pray that I was somehow faster than him.

"Rupert's pup?"

I nodded again.

The light of the moon flickered on his smile. "Two good bloodlines coming together. Smart move."

"Why am I here?" I whispered.

He took a sip from his glass and crossed his ankle over his knees.

"Darius will pay for me. If you want money, they'll pay it."

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