Chapter 11: Not Interested (Saigon)

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Lifting my head, I groaned. Jagger already came by to bug me. What did he want now?

"Hey, I switched up the schedule. I wanted someone with a bit more experience to go with you, so I moved Archer to another day."

"What?" I frowned. "Why?" I rubbed my eyes. "Archer has experience."

"Darius thought it would be better to change it."

"Whatever, fine." I slumped back down and noticed that Archer was no longer by the waterfall. How long had I been asleep?

Jagger put his foot on my side and rocked me back and forth. "Why are you so moody today?"

"Bad night. Leave me alone." I wrapped his arm around my face.

"Everyone is having a bad night, by the sounds of it."

Light footsteps approached us. The kissing and mushy talk let me know who it was.

Raven set his bag down and dipped his foot in. "It's really hot. We should go further down."

Jagger nearly pushed me in with his foot. "Come on."

"It's noisy out there."

"You're going to pass out. So either come with us or shift."

"You'd rather have my hairless ass out for the pack to see?" I propped up my head.

He shoved my legs into the water. "So dramatic. Go outside." He pointed.

I bobbed in the water. "Are you asking or telling me?" I said with a smirk.

Jagger's ear bent backward. "You are definitely related to the alpha and beta. Stop messing around and go outside." He took Raven by the hand.

"What's wrong with my dad?" asked my cousin.


I grinned to myself. Pushing buttons was what my family was good at. I waded through the water to an area that mixed with the river. It felt great, and by the number of people around us, the pack agreed.

Raven dumped out his bag and started organizing things. He passed Jagger a bottle.

"I'm good. I'm just going to rinse off."

"But it looks so nice." He sat up on his knees. "I could do it for you."

I chuckled at the pair. Raven was awful at keeping the PDA to a minimum. The sub was looking for any excuse to feel up his big powerful, dominant. I smiled to myself, trying to keep my laughter from slipping out.

Jagger dunked himself under the water before sitting on the edge. Raven squirted some of the soap in his hand and scrubbed his mate's back. It was too much. I was struggling to keep quiet.

"What?" Jagger frowned at me.

"Nothing," I laughed, though, it nearly came out as a snort.

"What?" Jagger looked around. "What is so funny?"

I couldn't hold it anymore and started to laugh. It wasn't even that funny but Jagger's confused face was too much. "Raven was told to cool it." I shot my cousin a smirk. "You're doing great."

Raven bristled at the comment. He breathed out through his nose before his expression softened. "What do you mean? I helped you clean your fur. Why wouldn't I do the same for my mate?" He leaned into Jagger's side.

My muzzle fell open. What had happened to my innocent cousin while I was gone?

"What?" Jagger looked between us. "You did what?"

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