Chapter 48: Happiness (Saigon)

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Archer looked thoroughly confused by the aspect of people simply handing him presents. I should've let him help me pick out the ones I bought for everyone else. My grandma had spoiled him with new clothes, running shoes, and a gaming system. I'd have to teach him how to play it, but it would be something he could do while I was at school.

Peter took the wrapping off a box for a camera. His face lit up. "Thank you, Karen. That was so nice of you."

"Well, pictures need to be taken," she laughed. "Who knows where the boys will be living once Saigon is done with school."

Rupert picked up the box and seemed confused. "Pictures of what?"

"Archer and Saigon," said Peter.

"We have a camera. A little one. This one is so large." He flipped the box around.

Peter whispered something into his mate's ear.

His mouth fell open and he nodded. "Pups, don't need something this fancy," he muttered.

Archer sighed and sunk lower into the couch. "And it's started..."

I handed him the present from me. "Merry Christmas."

He took it and frowned. "Was I supposed to get you something?"

"You did." I kissed his neck. "This was the best present I've ever gotten," I whispered.

Archer's face blushed red as he removed the paper. A new phone was inside, along with a case to go with it.

"Wow, am I allowed to have one of my own?" He glanced at Darius. The one he had belonged to the pack.

"I didn't ask," I laughed. "The one you have is getting old. I don't think the alpha will mind."

Opening the package, he turned it on. I helped him go through the setup screens and fit the case onto it.

"Will go in later and transfer over your number." I handed the phone to him.

Archer clutched it in both hands. "I still feel like I should have gotten you something."

I smiled at him. "And I told you that you've given me enough already."



I sat on a kitchen stool, eating a pie of chocolate pie while Karen explained her plans for the wedding. My dad and Aden had joined the women and were giving their opinions. My father and Titus were in the other room watching one of the new movies Quint got as a present.

Christmas hadn't been too bad. It seemed like a lot of chaos and over the top decorations just to give each other presents. I didn't mind it. The pine tree scent that filled the house was a nice touch.

Saigon finished washing the dishes that wouldn't fit in the dishwasher and dried his hands. "So, how's the wedding coming?"

I shrugged. "I don't really know."

Pressing up behind me, he hugged me. "It could be worse. At least, we don't have to plan it ourselves."

"Very true."

Swallowing hard, I peered up at him. "I thought of something I can give you."

"Archer, I said you didn't have to."

"I want to. Um... tomorrow can we go on a drive? I'd like to see the cave. We could go back to some of the spots we played at when we were pups."

"Sure, that'll be fun." He gave me a squeeze.

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