Chapter 67: Conversation (Saigon)

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Archer threw open the front door and marched toward the guest rooms. I shuffled into my grandparents' house and went to the kitchen.

"He's too old to be throwing a fit," stated Rupert. "He's healthy. Why the hell is he so worked up?"

Peter looped arms with his mate and took him to the living room. "Let's move on and not worry about it."

"I raised that boy better."

"I know you did," said Peter, patting the man's arm.

Sitting down at the counter, I let out a sigh. My grandma was making some kind of potato casserole for dinner.

"So?" she asked.

"I overreacted." Slumping over, I pulled at my hair. "He was fine. The doctor said everything had healed and it was just scarring."

"That's wonderful."

"Archer's mad at me."

She laughed softly. "You bruised his pride, sweetheart. Like he keeps saying, Archer is a dominant. They don't like to be fussed over."

"Yeah," I said with a sigh. "I'm figuring that out the hard way. Where are my parents?"

"Aden is upstairs, and I think Titus is in the backyard. Darius left this morning with Trevor. They had a bit of a fight."

"Who? My father and Darius?"

"Everyone against Trevor." She shook her head. "I'd feel bad for him, but I get the impression he's keeping secrets that involve my family. Maybe you should give Daven a call and see if he can get Trevor to talk."

I shrugged. "If Darius can't, then neither can Daven. I'm sure being alpha of that pack comes with many secrets."

"Hmm... We'll have to see about that." She ripped off a piece of tin foil. "I might send Jesse in to do some snooping."

Laughing, I stood. "I'm sure the sub is the best bet. I'll go and check on my father." I went to the backdoor and stepped outside. He was sitting on the steps.

"Hey, how'd it go?"

"He's perfect." I sat down. "That's why he's pissed at me."

My father chuckled, smiling to himself. "Your dad had to sit me down a few times and remind me that he isn't made of glass. He wasn't going to shatter every time he stepped outside." He peered across the yard. "It's hard. After what happened with—" He took in a deep breath. "Even though I won, I was so on edge for months. I was sure someone else was going to try and take Aden from me." He sat up. "He has red markings for a reason, and he lets me have it when he is tired of me fretting over his every move."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "I'm the one with the red markings, unfortunately."

My father nodded. "From what I hear, Archer is a reddish-brown."

"Don't tell him that. He's already pissed at me." I rested my chin on my palm.

"Let him cool off a bit, and he'll forgive you for embarrassing him. Groveling also helps."

I smiled. "Is that what works on Dad."

He nodded. "Gifts, vacations to Midfield, it depends on how bad I messed up."

"Archer is done with humans and civils for a while."

"I don't blame him."

We sat quietly for a bit and peered out over the backyard and into the field next to it.

"Trevor is keeping things from us."

I scoffed. "Grandma picked up on it and she didn't even go on your leadership walk last night."

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