Chapter 30: Moon Drunk (Saigon)

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"So, my grandma found out about you."

"Hmm..." Archer took a drink of orange juice. His nose scrunched up, but he had another sip.

"She invited you to Thanksgiving."

"Human holiday?"

I nodded. "Darius and his family are coming, too."

He shrugged. "I should probably visit my parents. This whole situation was kind of sprung on them."

"She invited them, too." I put together my breakfast sandwich and watched him. "She is big on family and if we...." I cleared my throat. "Anyways, she already got them to agree to it."

"From what I hear, she is good at that." He propped up his head in his hand. "I guess it's already set. What is Thanksgiving at your grandparents' house like?"

I shrugged. "Nothing special. Umm..."


"She can be a little forward."

He eyed me. "Like what?"

"I'm her only grandchild. She wants great-grandchildren before she dies."

Archer tapped his finger, not looking impressed. "So, I'm going to spend the day surrounded by humans while your grandma questions me about my sex life. Is that it?"

"We're not inviting the extended family this year." I forced a smile. "The only human will be my grandparents, and I wouldn't consider that the same thing."

Slumping over, Archer wrapped his arms around his head. "Whatever, it's not like I can get out of it." He lifted his head. "What time are you getting home today?"

"Late, I have a group project." I went to the fridge. "Leftovers are right here, and I left a note on how long to heat it up in the microwave."

"Sounds good."

"Call me if you need anything. Do you want me to show you how to do it again?"

Archer shook his head. "I just go to that one picture and your name is on the list."

"Yep, just press on it and it'll call me." I wrapped up my sandwich. "I better go." Walking around the counter, I kissed his cheek.

Turning his head, he gave me a proper kiss. My chest fluttered and I tried to hold in a smile.

"Have a good day. I'll protect the house."

"You always do," I laughed. "I'll text you when I'm on my way home."



I watched the phone as the sun set outside. It was getting darker and the full moon would be out soon. How was I going to hide this? I could go to bed early. I was so stressed out I hadn't bothered to eat.

Hurrying upstairs, I opened the blinds. Where would the moon be? It was hard to tell. This city had my sense of direction messed up. Going back downstairs, I checked the other windows. All the damn trees were in the way. I could handle this. I dropped to my knees and focused on breathing. I had tried hiding from the full moon before and it had been the worst night of my life. It only lasted a few hours before I gave up, but the next day, I felt it. It had left my body so tense that my muscles were so sore it hurt to move.

How was I going to hide this from Saigon? Being home late, didn't mean he wasn't coming home. I heard buzzing. Racing to the living room, I grabbed the phone. The text read that he was on his way. I was starting to get jittery. Sinking to the floor, I rested my head on the couch. I wanted to shift. The hair on my arm was standing on end.

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