Chapter 31: Fighting Drunken Rogues (Saigon)

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"So, this is what you do on a full moon?" I took a swig of soda. "It's nice up here."

Cyrus shrugged. "It's worse if Liam doesn't sleep outside. His body freaks out. Up here, he gets to enjoy the moon all night."

"What happens when it rains?" I glanced at him.

"We hang a clear piece of plastic up. Liam would lay out here in the rain if he had to."

I watched the pair. Both were out and looked content with life. Their fur glowed in the moonlight.

I leaned over my knees. "Do you ever wonder what it feels like?"

"Liam said it's like floating and the next day, he feels completely renewed."

"Wouldn't that be nice?" I laughed. "School has me stressed out."

"Don't say that around Archer." Cyrus turned to me. "If he's like Liam, he's not going to like that you're joking around about it."

With a sigh, I nodded. "Back home, having a moon sensitivity will make you the ass of every joke. No wonder Archer hasn't told anyone about it."

"You didn't know before tonight?"

I shook my head. "I walked in on him in a partial transformation in the living room. He hid it pretty well growing up and I don't blame him."

Archer rolled over with his arm draped across Liam.

Cyrus shifted in his seat. "I'm happy to have you over but if he starts making moves on my mate, I might have to fight you." He winked at me.

"Funny." I rolled my eyes. "With your track record, that's not something you should joke about."

Slumped down in his seat, he drank from a beer with a Midfield logo. "I'm usually the overly sensitive one in the relationship, and once a month, Liam takes a turn."

I laughed. "I believe it."

Archer rolled back and placed his arms overhead. He was really enjoying his time under the moon. Leaning back in my seat, I peered up at the sky.

"This chair can fold all the way down. There are some blankets in the bin by the wall." Cyrus finished off his beer before kneeling down and crawling over to Liam. Taking off his clothes, he shifted forms and settled in next to his mate.

Liam opened his eyes. He hummed to himself and curled into his mate's chest. It made me slightly envious. There was enough room on the makeshift bed that covered the porch for me to fit, but I didn't think Archer was ready for that. With a sigh, I went to the bin and took some things out. The lounge chair had cushions on it, so it wouldn't be that bad to sleep on one. I laid it down and made my bed.

Heavy breathing sounded behind me. Archer was sitting up and looking around in a daze.

I slipped past the couple and sat by his head. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Where am I?" He fell back and blinked up at the sky. "This isn't the cave." He noticed Liam and Cyrus and scooted away from them. "Where is this?"

"We went to Cyrus and Liam's house, remember?" I brushed a hand through his fur.

Archer's placed his head in my lap and closed his eyes. What was happening!? I wasn't going to object.

"This isn't the cave."

"No." I rubbed his arm.

"I can't—I can't fight."

"Who are you fighting?" I chuckled to myself.

"Rogues, I have border patrol. I'm weird, I can't go. I need to be in the cave or the rogues—" he yawned.

"How about I keep an eye out for the rogues and you can rest?"

"Don't tell," he breathed. "Don't tell anyone I'm weird."

"I won't. I promise."

Archer fell back asleep and returned to his peaceful state. Cyrus was grinning at us.

"Liam does that too sometimes. It's never been about fighting rogues, though."

"Not a word." I pointed a finger at him. "What happens here does leave this porch. Got it?"

"Sure, sure." Cyrus laid down. "I'm not looking to get myself in trouble with you three." He nodded toward us. "Good night."

"Yeah." I let out a deep breath. Now to decide if I was going to move or I could pull an all-night sitting there. I didn't promise Archer I'd keep my eye out for the rogues.


I woke to the sound of a door closing. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up and spotted Cyrus getting dressed.

He shot me a smirk as I sat on the ground next to Archer. "How'd you sleep?"

I shrugged. "Fine."

"Sure." He wandered inside. "I'll go make breakfast."

The brown werewolf was still asleep. If I was careful, I could move without waking him and we wouldn't have to endure another awkward conversation. I lifted myself off the ground but stopped when Archer touched my arm.

"You're fine," he muttered. He nuzzled my side.

"How'd you sleep?" I tentatively brushed back his head fur.

"Like a rock. I need it with how things have been going lately."

"Hmm... You've been handling it well."

"You're petting me," he grumbled.

I smiled. "My dad pets me all the time. I find it soothing."

"You're so weird."

"I guess." I looked around for where I had put Archer's clothes.

"Please, don't tell anyone."

"Stop worrying. I'm not going to."

His eyes opened slightly. "If anyone in the pack finds out, I'm going rogue."

"Or, you could live with me and the humans."

"Rogue sounds better."

I laughed. "I'm surprised you-know-who didn't tell."

Archer scoffed and sat up. "It would be so embarrassing for Willow to be mated to a 'sensitive' man. I was high on life but still remember it being one of her bitchier moments." He scratched his arm. "Where are my clothes?"

"I'll get them." I went to retrieve the pile and tossed them by his legs. "I'll go see if Cyrus needs help with anything."

Archer nodded. "Um... thanks."

"I love you, Archer. I wasn't going to leave you like that." I could tell he was blushing under his fur.

He cleared his throat. "Yeah, you can go. This dating thing is making me self-conscious of being naked around you."

I smiled to myself. "I've seen it all plenty. I'm not missing anything." Going inside, I closed the door and leaned against it. Damn, he was so cute. 

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