Chapter 16: Father's Intervention (Archer)

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I searched the usual hangout spots but couldn't find anyone. Had they gone off somewhere without telling me? A golden werewolf was sitting behind a boulder near the forest edge.


She glanced over her shoulder. Her hardened expression softened, and she looked like she was about to cry. "Archer." Climbing to her feet, she ran to me and threw her arms around my neck.

I was knocked off balance as I hugged her. "What happened?"

"The alpha is punishing me." She nuzzled my chest. "He's making it so none of the others can hang out with me. It's like I've been banished."

Frowning, I ran my hand through her fur. "Why would he do that?"

"I don't know." She rubbed her eyes. "I feel like the whole pack hates me."

"I don't." I held her out in front of me. "I don't hate you."

She bumped her nose against mine. I kissed her and got a smile in return.

"I think Saigon said something to him," she muttered.

My ear leaned back. "What?" I said firmly. "He did what?"

"I don't know for sure. He hates me, though." She let out a shaky breath. "He told me so himself. He hates that we're friends." Willow grabbed my hands. "And now that we're more than friends, I think he said something to Darius. He doesn't want us to be together."

"Saigon doesn't get to decide my life."

"You won't leave me, then?" She peered up at me.

"No. Of course not." I wrapped her up in my arms. "Saigon will be gone soon. Hopefully, things will settle down after he leaves."

"Do you think he likes you?"

I lurched back at the comment. "Hell, no. Me? I'm not a sub. Why would he like me?"

Willow shrugged. "Because I like you and you like me, and Saigon seems to only want to ruin what we have."

Shaking my head, I let out a sigh. It wouldn't be for that reason Saigon kept butting into things that didn't concern him. "Saigon is like Titus and Darius. His only care is the pack."

"And the pack hates me," she stated, scowling at the trees.

"That's not true. They don't hate you. I'll fix this."

Willow gave me a coy smile. "You will?"

I nodded. "I'll find out what's going on. Just know, there's nothing the alpha can say to make me stay away from you." I kissed her cheek.

She pressed into my chest. "I love you, Archer."

My heart fluttered. She loved me? A new excitement filled my body.

"I—I love you, too."



I passed by some of Willow's friends who were actually working for a change. They were a part of this pack, so it was time they got off their lazy asses and did something. I let out a sigh. I was starting to sound like my father. Going outside, I stopped in my tracks when Archer and Willow emerged from the trees. He didn't notice me but Willow did. She shot me a smirk before cuddling up against Archer and leading him off toward the hot pool entrance.

What was happening? I had made it worse. I took away all of her friends, so now she was focusing on Archer. She was trying to take him from me.

A hand clasped my neck. My head snapped to the side.

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