Chapter 33: Advice (Archer)

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"So," breathed Saigon. "That was—"

I smiled to myself as we laid on the kitchen table. "I enjoyed it, too."

"Really?" He rose up on his elbow.

I motioned to myself. "Do you need to ask?"

Saigon smiled and leaned in for a kiss. I rose up to meet him.

"I love you," he whispered. "I really, really love you."

Kissing him again, I peered into his eyes. "I care about you. I like being with you, so just because I can't say it back yet, don't start thinking we're not going to work."

He shrugged. "I'm willing to take anything I can get. Having you here with me is enough." Falling on top of me, he gave me a hug.

"Stop," I groaned. "You're so heavy. We're gross right now. Let's go take a shower."

Saigon shot up and gave me a grin. If he had been in werewolf form, his tail would've been wagging. I knew what he was thinking.

"One time wasn't enough, huh?"

"Is it enough for you?" He flashed me a smirk and glanced at my waist.

Falling back, I rubbed my face. "I guess not."

I hopped off the table and Saigon was right behind me. He stuck to me as we went upstairs and herded me into his bathroom. Kicking off his jeans, he dragged me into the shower.

I couldn't help but laugh at his desperation. "Are you that sexually frustrated?"

He frowned at me as he nodded. "I've barely been allowed to touch you."

With a scoff, I kissed him. "Well, your patience has been rewarded."

Saigon turned on the water as we explored each other's mouths. My stomach started to growl.

"Do you want to order delivery?"

"Sure," I replied. "But we can worry about that later."

Pushing Saigon up against the wall, I ground our lower halves together. His hands traveled up my back to my hair. I could taste it again. Saigon's enzyme coated the inside of his mouth.

Pulling back, I let out a deep breath. "I can taste it."

He covered his mouth. "Sorry."

"It's not bad. I can't taste mine."


I moved his hand and gave him a peck. "I know you're stronger than me. You're going to be the next beta, remember?" I laughed. "You scared the shit out of me that night."

He swallowed hard. "It wasn't a good night for either of us."

Resting my head on his chest, I wrapped my arms around him. "I made a mistake. I knew it, too. The next day after Darius punished us, I wasn't happy. I thought being with her would make me feel better about myself and we'd be happy together. I tried to make it like I had imagined having a mate should be, but she never cared."

"I care about you."

"I know that," I laughed. "You care too much..."

He rubbed my back.

"I should've known it was bad when my dad didn't like her."


"Yeah, he sees the good in everyone, and even he didn't care much for her. He tried a lot harder than my father. He flat out hated her."

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