Chapter 27: A Messy Situation(Archer)

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I sat at the top of the stairs as Saigon got ready to leave.

"I made some extra eggs." He looked up at me. "If you're still hungry, there's other food in the fridge. Eat whatever you want. Leave the case of beef alone, though. That's for dinner tonight."

I nodded. "Got it."

"If you close the blinds, you can walk around in werewolf form. Just be careful."

"Will do."

"There are more clothes in the laundry room. You can wear whatever."

I gave him a thumbs up.

"What else?" He thought for a moment. "I'll lock the door when I leave and no one should come by. If they do, just pretend not to be home."

"I wasn't going to answer the door even if you wanted me to."

Saigon smiled. "Good to know. Um..." He clicked his tongue as he looked around. "I think that's it. Darius said he was sending a phone for you to use but for now, don't burn the place down and we should be good."

Raising an eyebrow, I gave him an unimpressed look. "I'll try my best."

"I'll be back soon." He waved and stepped outside.

The deadbolt clicked into place. I watched him go down the steps through the windows on the sides and head off down the sidewalk. I felt like I could finally breathe but at the same time, my stomach was fluttering. I was alone in the human world. Closing my eyes, I took deep breaths. The door was locked. I made it here in one piece. A few hours locked in a house would be easy.

Standing, I staggered down the steps and went into the laundry room. Metal machines were against the wall with Saigon's clothes covering the floor. Humans handled clothes differently than us. I examined the two machines. Both had clothes inside. One set was dry and the other was damp. So this was how they did it. That machine washed them and the other dried them. I grabbed a shirt off the floor and wrinkled my nose. It stunk like Saigon. Sorting through a few other items, I found half had a fresh scent to them like some of my dad's soap while the rest smelled like sweat. This was disgusting. He didn't even put them in different piles. The clean and dirty were all thrown together.

"I'm living with a giant slob." I ran my hand down my face. "I thought Willow was messy. This is disgusting." My head rolled back.

I found a couple things that looked like they would fit and didn't stink. I leaned over the washing machine and read the direction taped to the wall behind it. Even his parents knew he was hopeless. Maybe his grandma made him a printout. I'd heard enough about her to know she was overly attentive. I moved the dry clothes into an empty basket before switching the damp clothes over. I put the colors into the machine and followed the instructions before pressing on. Water started pouring through a side panel. I added in the soap and left the rest for later. Saigon was fine living like this but I couldn't do it.

After finding what I hoped to be a clean towel, I went upstairs to the guest bathroom. I glanced down the hall. I wondered if he had a better tub. Humans made everything so small. I pushed open the door to his room and scoffed.

"What the hell?"

Clothes were strung everywhere. Books were all over the floor, along with papers. His bed was one giant ball of sheets and blankets. Shaking my head, I went to the bathroom. The countertop was a mess but I was going to ignore it because a giant tub took up the corner of the room. Taking a few towels, I draped them over the mess. I needed to relax and I couldn't while looking at his shit thrown haphazardly about.

How could he live like this? He was what, twenty and his room still looked like he was a teenager. Finding a washcloth, I used some hand soap to clean the tub. God only knew when was the last time that Saigon did it. Using a glass, I rinsed it out before messing with the drain, so it would hold water. Human things were so complicated. They should just make one big bath-building with constantly flowing hot water for everyone to use. I took off my clothes and eased into the tub. It had a recline built into the side with a place to put my head.

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