Chapter 46: Boats (Archer)

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"Saigon!" A white pup ran from the cave. "Saigon, Saigon! You're here, you're here."

Saigon grabbed the pup and tossed him in the air.

"You finally came back." He hugged Saigon. "Why are you human? Shift, so we can play. You're staying, right?"

"Well, if you're good, I might spend the night before going back to Grandma K's house."

The pup grinned. "You need to come back more. I missed you."

"I missed you, too." Saigon turned to me. "I'd like to introduce you to someone."

"It's him, right," whispered the boy. "The secret?" He covered his muzzle. "I didn't tell anyone."

"Yeah, it's him." Saigon put the pup down. "Cricket, this is Archer and we're engaged."

Cricket beamed up at me. "You're going to be Saigon's mate?"

I nodded. "I have his mark." Kneeling down, I pulled over my shirt. "See."

"Oh, wow, Saigon is going to be the beta," he said seriously. "So, that probably hurt a lot."

"A bit."

"Come on, come on." Cricket grabbed both of our hands and dragged us to the cave. "They're waiting for you."

We entered the cave and I felt out of place. It was strange to be in a different pack. Saigon knew everyone and plenty of people were stopping to congratulate him. He grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. Cricket had raced on ahead.

"So, this is the lucky man?" said a light brown werewolf.

"Yes, Archer," replied Saigon.

"We're so happy for you."

I just stared, trying not to come across too awkward.

"Taking off your dads," laughed an older wolf.

Saigon laughed. "It's genetic, or something. I better go and find my parents. Thanks." He waved at the crowd and led me off.

"They care a lot about you," I said softly.

He grinned at me. "Not what you expected, right?"

"No." I bowed my head. I felt even more like an ass now.

We stopped outside a cave with hides over the entrance.

"Dad, I'm here." Saigon parted them and poked his head inside.

Aden walked out of the conjoined room. "Hello." He came over with his arms outstretched. "How were the roads?"

"Covered. I brought the big sled."

"Good, we can take it back in the morning."

"Morning?" I asked. I was under the impression this was a day trip.

Aden sighed. "Titus was procrastinating and it caught up to him. He'll have it done by tonight. I called my parents and let them know."

"Great, Cricket will be thrilled."

"That's my room." Saigon pointed to the last room with a bear hide over the door. "I never got my own cave since I was coming and going so much."

Nodding, I went with him to it and stepped inside. It smelled like Saigon. Books lined the shelves along with wooden animals. He dropped his bag on the bed. I placed mine in the corner as Saigon started to get undressed. Fur would help with the cold. Taking off my clothes, I shifted and started folding them. I glanced at the crumpled up pile around the black werewolf's feet. With a sigh, I grabbed them and added them to my pile.

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