Chapter 44: Switch (Archer)

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~This chapter has an unedited version with a sexually explicit scene, which can be read on Wattpad in The Nitty Gritty which can be found on my profile~

Flipping off the bathroom light, I wandered over to the bed. Saigon was reading something on his phone. I climbed under the covers, and he flashed me a grin.

"Who are you talking to?"

He shrugged. "My grandma, she wants to know what time we should be showing up tomorrow."

"Late," I replied with a yawn. "That drive is a killer."

"We could take the bus."

I scoffed. "Not funny. I did it once and I'm not doing that again."

He put his phone on the bedside table and scooted down. "She's excited. They're planning a big engagement party."

"Who will all be at this party?"

Saigon swallowed hard. "Well, my dad's side of the family kind of wants to meet you, so the Perri Christmas party is going to be serving double duty this year."

Groaning, I shoved my face in a pillow. "More humans."

"They're my relatives this time, at least," he laughed. "Sorry." He rubbed my back and kissed my cheek. "My grandma told them I was dating a guy, and I guess the 'gay gene' became a major topic of conversation."

"How do you explain your existence to them?" I turned my head to the side.

"Um... I was born by a surrogate, and my fake aunt donated the egg."

"Fake aunt?"

He grinned. "One that looks hella like my father."

"Good to know, just in case someone asked about a nonexistent aunt."

Saigon shrugged. "They don't talk to me about it. My parents are good at handling the family secret. They tell people she had to move across the country, and we don't see her often. It works."

"Are we going to have to make up some imaginary sister?"

He shook his head. "No, well, maybe. I plan on having more than one pup."

"First time you told me about it," I replied.

"How many do you want?"

I shrugged. "I guess two, maybe three. No more than three."

He kissed me with a grin. "Three sounds perfect."

"Maybe only one."

"Oh no, how will we be able to say we took turns being the father?" He laughed in my ear and ran his hand down my side.

"You can be the father to all of them. Tell your human-family I'm infertile."

Laughing, he pulled me closer. "I'm glad we're werewolves, so we don't actually have to decide who gets to be the father to our pups. They'll be both of us. We'll create our own little family."

I pressed my lips to his and slowly deepened it. Saigon pressed up against me as I grabbed the back of his head. Our tongues twisted around each other. I felt Saigon's hand squeeze my ass. He left my lips to nibble on my scar.

Saigon rested his forehead against my chest. "I can taste it."

I smoothed back his hair. "I bet."

"What about you?"

Shaking my head, I shrugged. "My body knows it'll be the one being marked."

Saigon looked between us. "We have a bit of a problem."

I rubbed his cock against his stomach. "It's our last night before we can't do anything for a while."

"True." He gave me a peck before deepening the kiss.

Saigon pulled me closer as he rubbed his body against mine. I groaned.

"Do you want to try anything?"

I tensed up and arched away.

"That would be a no," said Saigon with a chuckle. He kissed my cheek.

My mouth felt extremely dry. "I don't even know how to have sex with another man. I get that it involves putting things in my ass, but that seems painful."

Saigon rolled onto his back, making me frown. Just because I didn't want to have penetrative sex, didn't mean I want to stop.

"I'll be right back." He climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom.

I laid there and slowly stroked my erection. If he left me like this, I was going to have a huge case of blue balls. Did I turn him off? If I was the higher ranking partner, I'd want to penetrate my partner. I could try, but Saigon's cock seemed on the large side to just shove in when I didn't know anything about anal sex.

Sitting up, I watched the bathroom entrance. He was taking his time. The door opened, and Saigon came back to bed with a tube in his hand.

"Alright." He put a pillow under his head and spread his legs. "I'm ready."

"For what?" I looked at the container that had 'lube' written on it, slightly confused.

"I'll teach you how it's done." He grabbed my arm and dragged me between his legs. "You can top me."

My mouth fell open. "I'm doing what?"

"Topping me. I've done it before. I had three years of being broken-hearted to experiment."

"But you're the beta?" I would admit, the idea of topping him was exciting. The blood was pumping to my groin pretty quickly.

"Every good top, bottomed at some point." Saigon got comfortable and stroked his cock.

"Are you sure?" I clutched his hips.

He nodded. "I like to bottom from time to time. Just don't let me near your shoulder. I don't think I'll bite you when I'm in this position, but I might."

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