Chapter 37: In-Laws (Saigon)

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I entered the house and that was when I spotted them. Storm and my dad were huddled around my grandmother's phone. She didn't!

I marched over with Archer shuffling along behind me. Dropping the bags, I stood in front of them with my arms folded. The screen showed a picture of Archer and me in the kitchen kissing.

"Delete it," I stated.

My grandma locked the screen. "Delete what, sweetheart?"

"I know you took a picture."

Archer flinched and his eyes grew larger. "A what?"

"Delete it."

She smiled. "It's too late for that, sweetie. I already showed everyone. I sent it to my sister as well. I bet Rupert and Peter would love to see how close you two have gotten since you're being so secretive about it. You two are such a cute couple." She smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't need any more pictures floating around."

My uncle started to chuckle. "Just don't turn into Raven and Jagger and get all mushy on us."

"Don't involve us in this!" yelled Jagger from down the hallway to the guest rooms.

Archer covered his reddened face with his hand.

"See!" I motioned to the smirking men sitting around the living room. "It's already started. I've been in this family long enough to know I'll be harassed about this for months."

"Saigon"—my grandmother looked me in the eyes—"you know we love you. A little teasing never hurt anyone. It was an adorable moment, and I thought it would look nice at, say, a potential wedding."

Archer bolted down the hall.

"Grandma," I groaned.

"What?" She shrugged. "It would make a cute centerpiece. There will be a wedding. Don't you dare think being a werewolf means anything. You're my only grandbaby. I only got to throw one wedding, you know. I have plenty of ideas for a second."

"It's too soon." I ran my hand down my face. "You're going to chase Archer off."

She shook her camera at me. "I doubt it, and I have the proof. He likes you just as much."

"We're all so annoying." I marched off with their laughter following. "I'm trying to make this work and none of you are helping!" Archer stood at the end of the hall with Raven.

They both stared at me as I sheepish went to them.

"This is ours." I opened the last door. "Um... I left the bags. I'll go get them."

I went back to the living room, where I found precarious looks waiting. After gathering our things, I hurried off, doing my best to ignore them. Archer had gone inside, but Raven was waiting for me outside his room.

"He's a bit overwhelmed," my cousin whispered.

"Well, none of them are helping," I nodded to the living room.

"I'm happy for you," said Raven. "No matter what you two decided, I'm glad you got a chance at being with Archer."

"Thanks. Um... this weekend could you help me keep the family from tormenting him too much. I know they don't mean anything by it, but as you can see, Archer is a bit stressed."

He nodded. "I think his parents being here too will help. Rupert isn't afraid to speak up."

"Very true. Thanks." I moved past him and went to the room where we would be staying.

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