Chapter 64: Mating Trial (Archer)

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His scent was a needed comfort. My tired body could finally relax. His arms were slowly restricting around me.

"Saigon." I pulled back. "I can't breathe." I saw his face and kissed his cheek. "Don't cry."

"They took you."

"I got away."

"They stole you from me. I wasn't there to protect you."

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm a dominant, Saigon. I don't need protecting, and I doubt you would have been able to do much to stop them."

"What? Why? I would have killed them. Hunters or werewolves, I would have killed them for taking you."

I cupped his face. "I'm here. It's over. I'm safe now and you continue to protect me just like you did before this happened."

"What if they come back?" His breath caught.

With a smile, I kissed him. "I know you pretty well, Saige, and I don't think I'll be alone if there is a next time."

He buried his face in my shirt and started sobbing. I rubbed his back as he was visibly shaking. What those bastards had done to Saigon was far worse than anything I had gone through.

"Archer?" Karen gasped, clutching her chest. "Good heavens, my lord, have mercy, Quint! Aden, Titus! He's here. Archer is outside." She hurried down the steps with a blanket in her arms. "Oh my lord, look at this miracle right in front of me." She dropped into the snow and hugged us both. "My boys are back together." She wrapped the blanket around us and kissed Saigon's head.

He wouldn't look at anyone as everyone else hurried out onto the lawn. Saigon was struggling to stop crying. I settled onto his lap and secured the blanket around us. He could take all of the time he needed.

"Archer." Aden knelt beside us. "My heart nearly stopped. I can't believe you're here. What happened?"

"Luck," I replied."

He gave me a side hug and tried to get Saigon to sit up. My mate refused. I was a little nervous but the amount of pressure coming from his fingers digging into me. Thankfully, his claws hadn't come out.

"Someone, call Darius," said Karen.

"And Peter," added Aden.

Titus was already on the phone as Quint came over to help Saigon up.

"Come on, let's move inside." He grabbed his grandson's arm and lifted him to his feet.

Saigon kept an arm secured around my waist. I leaned against him as we entered the home and went into the living room. We sat down on the couch. Saigon held my hand as he tried to hide the fact he was still crying.

"It's okay. Everything's okay now." I pulled him closer, so he was laying against my chest.

He was getting it under control but was still using his shirt to wipe his eyes. I adjusted the blanket around my mate and played with his hair. The rest of the family was running about. Phone calls were being made, and loud voices could be heard on the other end. Closing my eyes, I felt heavy but content. I was going to sleep even better tonight than I did during the full moon.


Saigon hadn't moved. He was strung across me as we lounge on the couch, fast asleep. I was content with playing with his air and watching him sleep. I felt a lot better after my nap but I also had been drunk on moon rays the night before.

I brushed my fingers along his arm. He looked like he had lost weight. This whole experience had been hell for us both. I wanted to protect him just as much as he did me.

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