Chapter 62: Runaway (Saigon)

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I sat with my grandpa in the living room of their home. I couldn't show my face in Northern Ridge. I was supposed to be their beta and I lost my mate. I didn't feel like much of a leader.

"Saigon," called my grandma. "I made us a snack."

"I'm not hungry."

She appeared in the entryway with my dad. "Chocolate pie."

My stomach grumbled. "I'm not hungry."

"Alright, how about you keep us company?"

I shook my head. "I'm watching TV with grandpa."

She nodded and went back to the kitchen. Returning, she had dished out the slices and put the plates onto a cookie sheet. She handed them out and then sat beside me on the couch. The remaining pie was placed directly in front of me on the coffee table.

"Are you nervous?" she asked.

"About what? Losing my mate forever."

She touched my arm. "The full moon. I'm nervous for him. I'm not like you. When I'm stressed, the sweets come out. When you're stressed, you get sick. I have some nauseous medicine if you need it but it probably won't work on a werewolf."

With a sigh, I picked up a plate and rested my head on her shoulder. I took little bites. "I'm scared for him. He won't be able to defend himself. They could do anything they wanted to him and Archer can't fight back."

"Or—" She cleared her throat. "It'll give Archer the good night's rest he needs."

"I hope that's it." I tasted a little of it. "You added in heavy cream instead of milk."

My grandma chuckled. "As I said, the sweets come out when I'm stressed so that pie should let you know you're not alone."



My paws were going to freeze off. I was hungry and cold. I could feel the full moon pulling at me. If I fell asleep out here, I might be dead come morning. The wind ruffled my fur and I felt like crying. This was miserable. I pushed on, telling myself one more step as each got harder. My fur bristled as I entered a clearing and felt the presence of the moon. I had to find shelter now.

A car engine startled me. I dropped into the snow. No way had those bastards found me. I did everything possible to make sure they couldn't track me. No to mention the blizzard I forced myself to walk through. I wouldn't be much of a fight in my current state.

I saw the red snowcat pass by and spotted something through the trees. My legs were nearly frozen solid but I eased myself upright and continued walking.

The vehicle pulled into a shed, kind of like the one we had back home. But were they human or werewolves? I didn't care. The warm light and snow-free environment inside the shed gave me enough energy to keep going. Slipping inside, I crept to the corner and curled up in a trap with the moon shining through the upper window. It was warm and dry. Humans or werewolf, I didn't care. The moon was above me and I was exhausted. I'd figure it out in the morning because right now, I was going to take a well-deserved nap.


Laughter made my ears flick to the side.

"Come on, pup. What the hell are you doing in here?"

My eyes flicked open. I was a full-grown wolf. If this was a human, he needed to get his head checked. Others were standing behind him.

"Is it a rogue?"

"Nope, a rogue wouldn't dare come in here." He held my head down and checked my shoulder. "Stay still. We're not going to hurt you." His fingers brushed against my mark. "Mated."

"Mated?" The young boy's mouth fell open. "But—" He motioned to me.

"Probably why he ran away."

I didn't run away from Saigon. With a groan, I shifted to my werewolf form. "I—I didn't," I breathed. "I didn't run." I tried to stand but my body was so heavy.

He smoothed back my head fur. "Moon sensitivity. Look, pup, I have to take you back. Whatever happens, you're going to have to take it up with your alpha."

"I didn't—" My sight felt heavy. I noticed the boy's shirt. "Harper's Creek. Sai— there." I rolled onto my back and let out a deep breath. The moon warmed my fur and warmed my tired body.

"Harper's Creek?" The man looked at the boy.

He pulled out his shirt. "I got it as a handy down."

"It's a few cities over," yelled a female voice. "A couple of hours drive from here."

The man shook his head at me. "Well, you almost made it. You got this far, but I have to take you back."

"Then take me back," I muttered as my eyes began to close. "Take me there..."

"It's a human city," said the woman.

Rubbing his temple, the man groaned. "What a pain in the ass. What packs are around it?"

"Northern Ridge is number one," said the woman. "Bloodhound, there are a couple of others, but those are the main ones."

He pointed to my shoulder. "That looks like a Northern Ridge mating. The rest of us don't have enough male dominants to start taking them as mates. We can't afford the fees Midfield charges for their same-sex surrogacy programs, either."

"So, what are we going to do with him?" said the boy. "He might try and run away if we leave him."

"We could call Northern Ridge," said the woman. "Ask if they're missing a member."

"Do you think I have their alpha on speed dial? He's a powerful man."

"I'll take him," said a new male voice. "I'll handle it for you, alpha. I'll make an early trip to WIR and drop the pup off."

"Where?" The man eyed him. "We don't know who he belongs to."

"WIR will have Northern Ridge's number and all of the other packs. They don't want runaway mates, either."

The alpha nodded. "Help me get him up."

With a groan, I was lifted to my feet. My legs weren't working, though and I started to whine when I could feel the moon anymore. I wanted to be outside but it was cold out there. A door opened in front of me, revealing a blanket spread out and a heater blaring.

"Climb in."

I did as I was told and curled up on the backseat.

"He's so out of it," laughed the woman. "No way you would've made it on your own, pup. You better stick to your pack." The door closed.

The rumble of the engine started soon after. Someone reached back and adjusted the blanket so it covered my body.

"You have to stay covered," said the woman. "We don't need humans seeing a giant wolf in the backseat."

"Let me know when you get there, Ryder," said the alpha. "And who the hell owes us a favor."

"Will do."

We started to move and soon after, the moon's rays were shining through the window. I let out a deep breath. It was so warm and peaceful. My eyes closed as I soaked it all in—god, how I loved the full moon.

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