Chapter 65: Marked (Archer)

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Karen had herded the majority of the household into the living room. Trevor, the alpha and beta, and my father had refused to leave. Saigon sat beside me at the table with his arm around my shoulders. Ryder, the werewolf who drove me to Harper's Creek, had also joined the meeting while his mate was busy chatting with Karen.

"It was hunters, then?" asked Trevor. His phone sat by me, recording the conversation.

I nodded. "Yes. Professional ones. They had been hired to capture me. I think you already know they used Willow to get to me."

"To get you to open the door?"

I nodded again. "And not to fight them when they did get in the house."

"They killed her after that?"

"Shortly after." I shifted in my seat. "I felt it."

Trevor rubbed his face. "What a mess." He took a folder out of his bag and opened it up. Clicking a pen, he handed it to me. "Put an 'X' by the photo if any of these people look familiar."

I slid over the folder and started looking through it. Saigon was watching my every move. Anyone I marked was getting more than an 'X' by their name. I was sure my mate was making mental notes to kill them—not that I minded. I scanned the faces and recognized an image of a man standing on a street with others. The scar that ran from his ear and down his neck clearly stood out.

I marked the image. "He was the leader." I put an 'X' by a couple of the pictures that were on the same pages as him.

Titus stood up straight. "Do we know him?"

After finishing looking through the last couple of pages, I turned to the one I had marked before sliding the folder back to Trevor.

"I know him," said Titus.

"Quiet, Titus," said the alpha. "Since when have we dealt with hunters."

"Fuck you, Archer is my son-in-law, and I swear I've seen that guy before."

Trevor closed the folder and tucked it away. "Thanks, that helps."

I nodded.

Darius eyed the man next to him. "Care to share with the rest of us how that helps?"

Trevor smiled and clasped his hands on the table. "So, after the hunters, what happened?"

"What the hell? This is my pack." Darius slammed his hand on the table as he stood. "Brotherhood my ass, if I find out you're keeping shit from me—"

"We'll talk about it later. As alphas."

"As alphas," snapped Titus. "Like hell, this is my family. You will not fuck around when it involves my son and his mate."

Trevor turned to the beta. "Later, I'd like to talk to Archer. We can have this conversation after because both of the boys look exhausted and would probably like to get to bed sometime soon."

Shaking his head, Titus backed off.

"So, Archer." Trevor forced a pleasant expression. "What happened after the hunters?"

Swallowing hard, I sucked in my cheek. "They sold me to rogues, but it felt like a pack. They—" I thought for a moment.

"Please be honest, I'm trying to catch whoever did this," said Trevor.

"They didn't want me. They were going to use me to get to Saigon. Like what they did with Willow. The hunters weren't willing to fight a beta and I think the rogues were also nervous about going after Saigon. They were planning to use to me lure Saigon to them and get him to cooperate by threatening to hurt me."

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