Chapter 29: Movie Night (Archer)

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The doorbell rang, and Saigon went to get it. I sunk down in my seat and started to chew on my thumbnail. Saigon had said the one was Jesse's cousin and would most likely be Daven's beta. A round of hello sounded as the smell of food entered the home.

"Archer," said Saigon.

I turned in my seat and stood.

"This is Liam and Cyrus."

"Hi." I nodded. Saigon hadn't mentioned one was a sub. I started to put the clues together. "You're mates, right?"

Cyrus nodded. "Yep. It's good to meet you." He entered the kitchen and put the food bags on the table.

Saigon and Liam went to the table to set up for their tutoring session. I sat at the bar on the far end and watched them. Smoothing back my hair, I took a deep breath. Saigon told them we were dating. It made me wonder what they thought of us.

Cyrus laid out the food. "We're not going to attack." He gave me a smirk.

"Hmm..." I moved to chew on another nail.

"You look a little tense. My cousin chews on his nails too when he's nervous."

I put my hand down. "What is this?" I motioned to the individually wrapped items.

"Burgers, we had to get the gourmet ones because fast food isn't good enough for your boyfriend."

Saigon shook his head. "I'm helping your mate."

I forced a smile. "Are they good?"

Cyrus eyed me. "You've never had a burger?"

I gripped my knees. "I've seen them but we don't eat them."

"Not even at school?" Cyrus unwrapped one. "They were a staple at the academy."

I shook my head. "We ate mostly fresh meat, fruit. We did have bread, so some people would make sandwiches with it. They tried to get us to eat vegetables, but most ended up in the garbage."

Cyrus pushed one toward me. "It's nothing weird. Ground beef with some topping and smacked inside a bun ." He took a bit of his own.

Undoing the thin white paper, I picked up the top part of the bread and examined what was inside. It looked alright. I picked it up and took a bite. "Hmm... it's good."

"Don't get addicted to human food," he chuckled with a mouth full of food. "You'll lose your traditional figure."

"Cyrus," said Saigon, annoyed.

"I was joking. Daven is constantly whining that he's getting soft." He took some of the burgers over to the table and dropped them by the others. "He's always saying he's so out of shape. Traditionals do this and traditionals do that, traditionals run a hundred miles in a day. Civils are so lazy."

"Truth hurts," muttered Saigon.

I smiled to myself as I ate.

Cyrus scoffed. "I'm not lazy. I work out all the time. You don't need to be able to run a hundred miles in a day to be in shape. Then again, traditionals like to exaggerate things."

"Change the topic," said Liam. "If you get us kicked out, I'm not going to be very happy." He opened a thick book.

"Sorry," muttered Cyrus. He looked at me. "So, Archer, tell us about yourself?"

"Me?" I swallowed hard. "My life is pretty boring compared to here."

"He's a runner," said Saigon. "He chases the herd into the ambush."

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