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Early in the morning as soon as you got to the office the first thing you did was clear out your things from Jimin's office and shift to the store room. You didn't want to work in his hookup office anymore. He always disturbs your work and then yells at you and treat you like an idiot, after yesterday's incident you had enough of his crap. Since he always kept you out, you decided to shift so you can do your work in peace while he fucks girls in his office.

The store room was right next to his office so he could easily give you a call when he needs to. Since you came to work early, you started clearing out new set of files that was pending. You thought of Jungkook and wanted to meet him after work since he will be going to Seoul for few days, but he said he will be going out with Joy because he couldn't spend time with her in a while. As you were working the door to the store room burst opened, an angry Jimin entered the room and walked up to you. 

"What are you doing?" he demanded.

"Work." you replied unbothered by his temper and kept typing on your laptop. You could feel him getting more irritated as you ignored him without even sparing a glance up at him. What happened next was so fast that it took you few seconds to realize it. Jimin angrily shut your laptop and grabbed to hold it in his hands.

"My office..NOW!" he growled and stormed to his office with your laptop. What the fuck possessed him early in the morning. You cursed and angrily followed him.

Jimin just tossed your laptop on to your desk and your eyes popped out worrying if it got damaged. Anger roared in you as you turned to look at him. "What the hell?" you raised your voice at him.

"Lower your voice y/n, do I need to remind you who's the boss around here?" he glared at you and you glared back.

"Then act like one."

"I AM.. acting like one. That's why I want an explanation why that you have moved out of this office without my permission." He said through gritted teeth.

"Isn't it obvious. So you could have your hookups as you please and I could do my work in peace without having disturbed by you whenever one of your sluts shows up." You started to yell, letting out the anger and hurt that was building within you from yesterday. "I have put up so much with you and I wont do it anymore when you keep acting like a perverted horny jerk who can't keep it together at work and then yell at me for not getting the work done."

"Are you done acting like an immature brat?" he asked with his intimidating look as he continued when you just kept glaring at him taking angry deep breaths. "Because I won't hesitate to make you quiet and teach you to respect me." he growled under his breath.

"Oh yeah. Make me then. I'm not scared of you or your threats. If you want to fire me then go ahead and fire me. I'll be more than happy getaway from a heartless jerk like you." you snapped pointing at him as you yelled. Jimin angrily took few steps towards you.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you always look down on me and insult me?" he can see that you are really angry and he started getting confused to why, it can't be simply because of what happened last night. "Why don't we talk about the real problem between us, huh?" 

You quickly avoided his eyes looking away. "I-I don't know what your talking about?" You turned your back to him not wanting to face him but Jimin turned you back around as he started talking. "Really? Then why are you not facing me properly? Why are you so angry? It can't be because I lost it and kissed Haneri while you were out hugging and hanging out with another guy. You clearly said that you don't feel anything for me and I get it. But why this hate? Why are you looking at me with so much disgust ever since we met again?" he questioned with a lot of confusion in his eyes, seeking you to clear them out for him. 

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