~ 2.1~

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'Jimin, do you think I can have one more kiss?

I'll find closure on your lips, and then I'll go. Maybe also one more breakfast, one more lunch, and one more dinner. I'll be full and happy, and we can part.

But in between meals, maybe we can lie in bed one more time? One more prolonged moment where time suspends indefinitely as I rest my head on your chest.

My hope is if we add up the 'One Mores'.. they will equal a lifetime, and I'll never have to get to the part where I let you go. But that's not real. is it?

There are no more, 'one mores.'

I met you again after 5 years in an unimaginable way. We had our fair shares of fights and also fair shares of happiness. Past 1 year with you is the best I have ever lived. But now we are falling apart.

Did you know? When something breaks, if the pieces are large enough, you can fix it even though it will never be perfect. Unfortunately, sometimes things don't break, they shatter.

But when you let the light in, shattered glass will glitter. And in those moments, when the pieces of what we were catch the sun, I'll remember just how beautiful it was. Just how beautiful it'll always be. Because it was us. And we were magic. Forever!

I love you Jimin. I always did and I always will. The only regret I have is that I was never able to tell you this. But now it's just too late. I hope you have a happy life with the one you love. Thanks for everything.

I wish you happiness and success with all my heart. Please Take Care!'

Jimin read the last entry of your diary again. He couldn't remember how many times he have read it for the past one and a half years but still it hurts like hell. It's like you left your last entry for him like your goodbye message. The pain of loosing you is still fresh in his heart. He still can't get over the dreadful things that happened back then. 


"What the hell was all that?" Jimin yelled angrily at his parents who followed him to the waiting room.

"Jimin what's the matter?" His mom asked shocked to see him shouting at his parents. It was the same hurt and anger they saw when his grandmother died. 

"What's the matter? Are you kidding me? Who the hell told you all to announce some bullshit like that?" He asked pointing a finger at his dad now. His dad was taken aback and soon Hoseok, Aera and her dad walked in to see if everything was ok. 

" What do you mean. We thought it's the best since you already proposed to her." His dad said. Aera's eyes widened and quickly looked away from Jimin.

"WHAT? Proposed to her? When the fuck did I propose to you?" He yelled at Aera this time. She flinched to his snarl but didn't look up at all. 

"What are you saying Jimin. My daughter came home last night and told us about the proposal. Didn't you give her this ring? why are you acting like this." Her dad said annoyed by Jimin's actions. 

Jimin's eyes widened as soon as he sees the ring in her hand. Anger passed his limit as he growled through gritted teeth to control himself. "TAKE. IT. OFF. NOW!" 

"No. The announcement is already made, there is no going back."  Aera quickly covered her hand refusing to give it back. Jimin let out an angry laugh looking at her finally realizing that she had been up to no good all these days. She thinks she can trap me!  

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